Using the System Setup Program 2-5To choose a setting for these categories, type charactersfrom the keyboard or use the left- or right-arrow key tocycle through the choices. The options are:• AUTO (use this setting for all EIDE devices fromDell)• NONE• USER1 or USER2• A specific drive-type numberNOTE: Operating systems that bypass the system BIOSmay not obtain optimum hard-disk drive performance.EIDE DevicesFor EIDE hard-disk drives, the system provides an auto-matic drive-type detect feature. To use this feature forDRIVE 0, highlight the DRIVE 0 category in the PRIMARYdrive section and type a (for automatic). To use it forDRIVE 1, highlight the DRIVE 1 category and type a. Ineach case, the category setting changes to AUTO. Afteryou reboot the system, the System Setup program auto-matically sets the correct drive-type number andparameters for each drive.Before installing a new EIDE hard-disk drive, also checkthe documentation that came with the drive to verify thatall jumper settings on the drive are appropriate for yourconfiguration.If You Have a ProblemIf the system generates a drive error message the firsttime you boot your system after installing an EIDE drive,it may mean that your particular drive does not work withthe automatic drive-type detect feature. If you suspectthat your problem is related to drive type, try enteringyour drive-type information in one of the following ways.If You Know the Drive-Type NumberUse the drive-type number you found in the documenta-tion that came with the drive or, if the drive was installedby Dell when you purchased your system, access theManufacturing Test Report from the Dell Accessoriesfolder or program group.To set the drive-type number in the System Setup pro-gram, highlight the appropriate drive category (DRIVE 0 orDRIVE 1 in the PRIMARY drive section) and type the cor-rect drive-type number. If you prefer, you can press theright- or left-arrow key to increase or decrease, respec-tively, the drive-type number until the correct one isdisplayed.If You Do Not Know the Drive-Type NumberThe DRIVE 0 and DRIVE 1 categories display the followingseven parameters for each drive:• TYPE is the drive-type number for the selected hard-disk drive.• CYLS is the number of logical cylinders.• HDS indicates the number of logical heads in thedrive.• PRE (precompensation cylinder) is the cylinder num-ber at which the electrical current for the drive headchanges to compensate for differences in data den-sity across the disk surface (this parameter has noeffect for EIDE drives).• LZ is the cylinder number that is used as thedrive’s landing zone for the heads when the driveis not in use.• SEC is the number of logical sectors per track.• SIZE (automatically calculated by the system) indi-cates the number of millions of bytes of storageprovided by the drive.If none of the supported drive types match the parametersof your new drive, you can enter your own parameters.To do so, highlight the DRIVE 0 category and type u todisplay USER1. You can then use the right- or left-arrowkey to switch between the USER1 and USER2 settings(only two user-defined drive types are allowed). Thenpress the < TAB > key to highlight each of the parameterfields in succession, and enter the appropriate number foreach field.NOTE: The USER1 and USER2 drive types can be used forboth the DRIVE 0 and DRIVE 1 categories in the PRIMARYand SECONDARY drive sections. However, if you selectthe USER1 or USER2 drive type, you may not obtain opti-mum hard-disk drive performance. Also, the USER1 andUSER2 drive types cannot be used for hard-disk drivesgreater than 528 megabytes (MB) in capacity.