AirWave Wireless Management Suite | Configuration Guide Aruba Configuration Reference | 125AP Load BalancingMax Retries(0-100,000)8 Set the maximum number of times that an AP attempts load balancingbefore timing out.AP Load BalancingUser HighWatermark(0-100,000)0 Set the high watermark level for the number of users that AP load balancingis to support. The supported range is 0 to 100,000 users, and setting thisfield to 0 users disables this function. When the number of users exceedsthe high watermark, it triggers an alert.AP Load BalancingUser LowWatermark(0-100,000)0 Set the low watermark level for the number of users that AP load balancingis to support. The supported range is 0 to 100,000 users, and setting thisfield to 0 users disables this function. When the number of users exceedsthe low watermark, it triggers an alert.AP Load BalancingUtil HighWatermark(0-100%)0 Set the high watermark level as a percentage of load balancing utilization.The supported range is 0 to 100%, and a value of 0% disables this function.When this watermark is exceeded, it triggers an alert or wait time.AP Load BalancingUtil LowWatermark(0-100%)0 Set the low watermark level as a percentage of load balancing utilization.The supported range is 0 to 100%, and a value of 0% disables this function.When this watermark is exceeded, it triggers an alert or wait time.AP Load BalancingUtil Wait Time(0-360,000 sec)0 Set the wait time for the AP when AP load balancing is enabled. When loadbalancing thresholds are exceeded, this setting defines the length of timebefore AP load balancing restarts on the AP. The supported range is 0 to360,000 seconds, and defining a value of 0 disables this function.Station HandoffAssistNo Enable or disable the ability of APs to hand users over to another adjacentAP, as available, in order to optimize or improve general network load.Detect AssociationFailureNo Enable or disable an AP’s ability to detect failures in wireless userassociations.Coverage HoleDetectionNo Enable or disable an AP’s ability to detect areas where an otherwise goodRF signal is not reaching wireless clients to an adequate level.This setting requires a Wireless Intrusion Protection license.Hole Good RSSIThreshold(0-65,535)20 Set the amount of time in seconds during which Received Signal StrengthIndication (RSSI) is to check coverage holes.This setting requires a Wireless Intrusion Protection license.Hole Good StationAgeout (sec)30 Set the amount of time in seconds that an AP is unseen by any probesbefore it is deleted from the database. Enter 0 to disable ageout.This setting requires a Wireless Intrusion Protection license.Hole DetectionInterval (sec)180 Sets the amount of time in seconds in which automatic hole detectionshould check for coverage holes. Enter 0 to disable this function.This setting requires a Wireless Intrusion Protection license.Hole Idle StationTimeout (sec)90 Sets the amount of time in seconds before which an idle AP is deleted fromthe database, once it has become idle. Enter 0 to disable this function.This setting requires a Wireless Intrusion Protection license.Hole Poor RSSIThreshold(0-65,535)10 Sets the threshold at which RSSI deems coverage to be poor.DetectInterferenceNo Enables or disables interference detection for the APs to be configured withthis optimization profile.Table 47 Aruba Configuration > Profiles > RF > Optimization Profile Settings (Continued)Field Default Description