Dell UPS Local Node ManagerUSER GUIDEDell.comDELL ULNM – User GuideP‐164000120 Rev 0.04CONFIGURATION34If a Power source has been declared, System Tray Icon can have following states:The System Tray Icon correctly receives alarms from Dell UPS Local Node Manager ( AC ispresent on the Power source)The System Tray Icon correctly receives alarms from Dell UPS Local Node Manager ( ThePower Source runs in battery mode)The System Tray Icon correctly receives alarms from Dell UPS Local Node Manager (AWarning event occurred on Power Source)The System Tray Icon correctly receives alarms from Dell UPS Local Node Manager ( Acritical event occurred on Power Source)Communication with Power source has failedAdvanced events and actions customization:In Dell UPS Local Node Manager installation folder, you can see a configs/scripts folder containing asample user‐defined action script (sample_user_script.js).You have the possibility to modify this script or create new scripts that define very specific events andactions. The sample script provides details about the expected structure and syntax for defining newactions and triggers.To activate the execution of a script you have to set the enabled property to true as follows:3.1.6. CONFIGURE USER ACCOUNTSMultiple user accounts can be configured.From the Settings menu Item, select the User List item, then perform the following steps: Click on Add user. Enter the User Login and the User password. Select the User’s Profile level. The following levels are available:> admin (the user will be able to access all the features)> user (the user will only access the visualization and is not able to set changes to the systemor nodes). Click on Create new user button.