PCoIP Technology User Guide (Vol I) TER0806003 Issue 1© 2008 Teradici Corporation Page 20 of 2530 Mbps Device Bandwidth TargetFinally, each user has the following bandwidthconfiguration:• Device Bandwidth Limit: 0 Mbps• Device Bandwidth Target: 30 MbpsFigure 18: 30 Mbps Device Bandwidth TargetWith Device Target Bandwidth set to 30 Mbps,we now have:• Device Target Bandwidth set too high• PCoIP Technology congestion management stilloperates, but is not optimized• Fairness better than with no target• Some dips down to 18 MbpsBandwidth OptimizationThe example above shows a simplified exampleto understand bandwidth parameters.Device Bandwidth TargetThe bandwidth usage data above shows that forthis simplified example, the PCoIP Systems areoptimized when setting the Device BandwidthTarget to ensure fairness for all users. In thisexample the network link is 100 Mbps for fourusers, so the fair Device Bandwidth Limit is 25Mbps (100 Mbps / 4 users).It must be noted that this example had fourusers continually active. This is not a realisticscenario, as even extremely active users will nothave constantly changing displays (e.g. pause tostudy detail). It is reasonable to assume thateach user would have periods of low bandwidthusage.This example also is a bit backwards as webegin with the network capacity (100 Mbps) andthen find a ‘fair’ usage scenario. Although thiswas done to illustrate the bandwidthconfiguration features, a better strategy wouldbe to determine the required bandwidth to meetusers experience expectations and worktowards the network capacity required.Device Bandwidth LimitThe above example has the Device BandwidthLimit configured to allow the PCoIP Processorsto manage bandwidth throttling (i.e. configuredto 0 Mbps).This configuration is recommended for mostusage cases unless the administrator requireslimiting bandwidth usage. Examples scenariosare networking equipment that is unreliablewhen fully utilized or the requirement to put strictlimits on user bandwidth usage.Constrained Network EffectsIn an environment that does not provideadequate bandwidth, PCoIP Technology willgracefully adjust. Depending on the resultingnetwork congestion, some artifacts may bepresent, e.g.:• Image smearing and blocking artifacts may bepresent• Less responsive user interface, e.g. slowerwindow movements with mouse, generally dueto a decrease in the imaging update rateIt is recommended to set the bandwidth limit ator below the limiting network link that the PCoIPdata traverses. For example, if the PCoIP datatraverses a 100 Mbps link (e.g. link to thedesktop), the limit should not exceed 100 Mbps.