8. If prompted, click Yes to acknowledge certificate messages.The Startup Wizard opens and displays the Software End User License Agreement (EULA).Completing the Storage Center Startup WizardConfigure the Storage Center using the startup wizard.License Agreement PageUse the License Agreement page to read and accept the Dell End User License Agreement (EULA).1. Enter a customer name and title of the person that is approving the license in the ApprovingCustomer Name and Approving Customer Title fields. The customer information and the approvaldate are recorded and sent to Dell Technical Support using SupportAssist.NOTE: The License Agreement page is also displayed the first time a new user logs on to theSC4020 storage system. The License Agreement page does not require a customer name ortitle when it is displayed for a new user.2. After reading the EULA, click Accept to continue with setup. The Load License page opens.Load License PageUse the Load License page to upload the Storage Center license file. The license file makes settingsavailable depending on what features were purchased.1. Browse to the location of the license file.2. Verify that the serial number of the license file matches the serial number of the storage controller.Compare the name of the license file to the title bar of the Startup Wizard.License files use the naming convention snxxx_35_date.lic, where:• snxxx is the serial number of the top storage controller.• 35 indicates that the system runs a Storage Center software version that is higher than 3.5.• date shows the license generation date in YYMMDD format.• .lic is the file extension.Set up Storage Center Software 109