37 InsufficientDefrag MemoryThe printer cannot defragmentflash memory, because theprinter memory used to storeundeleted flash resources is full.Delete fonts, macros, and other datain printer memory.Install additional printer memory.37 InsufficientMemoryThe printer memory is full andcannot continue processingcurrent print jobs.Press Go to clear the message andcontinue the current print job. Theprinter frees memory by deleting theoldest held job and continuesdeleting held jobs until there isenough printer memory to processthe job.Press Stop to clear the messagewithout deleting any held jobs. Thecurrent job may not print correctly.Press Menu to open the Job Menuand cancel the current job.To avoid this error in the future:Delete fonts, macros, andother data in printer memory.Install additional printermemory.NOTE: The messages 37 InsufficientMemory and Held Jobs may be lostalternate on the display.See also: Accessing held jobs from theoperator panel; Held Jobs may be lost38 Memory FullThe printer is processing data, butthe memory used to store pagesis full.Press Go to clear the message andcontinue printing the job. The jobmay not print correctly.Press Menu to open the Job Menuand cancel the current job.To avoid this error in the future:Simplify the print job byreducing the amount of text orgraphics on a page anddeleting unnecessarydownloaded fonts or macros.Install additional printermemory.See also: Canceling a print job39 Complex PageThe page may not print correctlybecause the print information onthe page is too complex.Press Go to clear the message andcontinue printing the job. The jobmay not print correctly.Press Menu to open the Job Menuand cancel the current job.To avoid this error in the future:Reduce the complexity of thepage by reducing the amountof text or graphics on the pageand deleting unnecessarydownloaded fonts or macros.Set Page Protect to On in the