Solving Problems 47Memory ProblemsCAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructionslocated in the Product Information Guide.Mouse ProblemsCAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructionslocated in the Product Information Guide.IF Y O U R E C E I V E A N I N S U F F I C I E N T M E M O R Y M E S S A G E —• Save and close any open files and exit any open programs you are not using to see if that resolves theproblem.• See the software documentation for minimum memory requirements. If necessary, install additionalmemory (see "Minimum memory" on page 127).• Reseat the memory modules (see "Memory" on page 79) to ensure that your computer is successfullycommunicating with the memory.• Run the Dell Diagnostics (see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 58).IF Y O U E X P E R I E N C E O T H E R M E M O R Y P R O B L E M S —• Reseat the memory modules (see "Memory" on page 79) to ensure that your computer is successfullycommunicating with the memory.• Ensure that you are following the memory installation guidelines (see "Installing Memory" on page 80).• Your computer supports DDR2 memory. For more information about the type of memory supported byyour computer, see "Memory" on page 127.• Run the Dell Diagnostics (see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 58).CH E C K T H E M O U S E C A B L E —1 Check the cable connector for bent or broken pins and for damaged or frayed cables. Straighten bentpins.2 Remove mouse extension cables, if used, and connect the mouse directly to the computer.3 Shut down the computer (see "Turning Off Your Computer" on page 69), reconnect the mouse cable asshown on the setup diagram for your computer, and then restart the computer.