3535AVR-3805 / AVC-389012345678910 11121314151617181920OSC1OSC2CSSCKSINACVDD2CVIDEOLECHACVINVDD1VERT*HOR*OSCINOSCOUTP3P2P1P0VssCSSCKSINVDD1 20ACVssVDD2P1P0CVINLECHACVIDEOOSCOUTOSCINHOR*VERT*OSC2OSC1INPUTCONTROLCIRCUITINDICATIONOSCILLATORDATACONTROLCIRCUITADDRESSCONTROLCIRCUIT TIMINGGENERATORINDICATIONCONTROLREGISTERINDICATION RAMINDICATION CHARACTER ROMBLINKING CIRCUITSHIFT REGISTERINDICATIONCONTROL CIRCUITREAD OUT ADDRESSCONTROL CIRCUITIINDICATION LOCATIONDETECTION CIRCUITH COUNTERSYNC SIGNALSWITCHING CIRCUITSYNC SIGNAL DIS-CRIMINATING CIRCUITOSC CIRCUITFOR SYNC SIGNALGENERATIONTIMINGGENERATORNTSCVIDEO OUTPUTCIRCUIT61154371 2 19 18171689101213P214P315M35015-210SP (CV: IC453)M35015-210SP Terminal FunctionPin No. Symbol Name I/O Function1 OSC1 Osc. circuit ext. I External terminal for indication oscillator circuit. Standard OSC. freq. is approx. 7MHz.2 OSC2 terminal. O With this OSC. freq., decides horizontal indication and character width.3 CS Chip select input I Chip select terminal and turns to “L” when transfer serial data.Hysteresis input. Pull up resistor is built-in.4 SCK Serial clock input I Takes in serial data of SIN at SCK rise when CS terminal is in “L”.Hysteresis input. Pull up rersist is built-in.5 SIN Serial data input I Serial input of register for indication control and data, and address for indication datamemory. Hysteresis input. Pull up rersistor is built-in.6 AC Auto-clear input I Resets internal circuit of IC at “L” mode.Hysteresis input. Pull up resistor is built-in.7 VDD2 Power supply Power supply terminal of analog system. Connect to +5V.8 CVIDEO Combinedvideo output O Output terminal of combined video signal. Outputs 2Vp-p combined signal. Characteroutput, etc. Overlap CVIN signal and outputs at superimpose.9 LECHA Character levelinput I Input terminal deciding character output level in combined video signal. Color of characteris white.10 CVIN Combined videoinput I Input terminal of external combined video signal.Character output etc. overlap this external combined video signal.11 Vss Ground Ground terminal. Connect to GND.12 P0 Output port P0 O General output or character background signal BL NK1* output is switchable.Polarity can be selected at ROM mask.13 P1 Output port P1 O General output or character background signal CO1* output is switchable.Polarity can be selected at ROM mask.14 P2 Output port P2 O General output or character background signal BLNK2* output is switchable.Polarity can be selected at ROM mask.15 P3 Output port P3 O General output or character background signal CO2* output is switchable.Polarity can be selected at ROM mask.16 OSCOUT O Terminal for external use of sync signal OSC. circuit. Use the freq.: 14.32MHz at NTSC17 OSCIN I system, 17.73MHz at PAL system, 14.30MHz at MPAL system.18 HOR* Horizontal syncsignal I Inputs horizontal sync signal.Hysteresis input.19 VERT* Vertical syncsignal Input vertical sync signal. Hysteresis input. Polarity can be selected at ROM mask.20 VDD1 Power supply I Power supply terminal of digital system. Connect to +5V.Ext. terminalfor sync sig.OSC. Circuitwww. xiaoyu163. comQQ 376315150 992894298TEL 13942296513 992894298051513673QQTEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299TEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299http://www.xiaoyu163.comhttp://www.xiaoyu163.com