3636AVR-3805 / AVC-3890PCM1804 (AD: IC519)21345678910111213142827262524232221201918171615VREFLAGNDLVCOM LV IN L+VIN L−FMT0FMT1S/MOSR0OSR1OSR2BYPASDGNDVDDVREFRAGNDRVCOM RVINR+VINR−AGNDVCCOVFLOVFRRSTSCKILRCK/DSDBCKBCK/DSDLDATA/DSDRTOP VIEWSCKIV INL+V COMLAGNDLV REFLV REFRAGNDRV COMRV INR+V INR−OSR0OSR1OSR2S/MFMT0FMT1LRCK/DSDBCKBCK/DSDLDATA /DSDROVFLOVFRBYPASRSTCLK ControlV INL−DGND V DDAGNDV CCDelta-sigmaModulator (L)VREFLV REFRDelta-sigmaModulator (R)Power SupplyDecimationFilter (L)DecimationFilter (R)HPFHPFSerialOutputInterface14 582 3 4 5 6 7 81INABLCC1 C2 GND fo N.C. OUT VccDetector &Comparator IntegratorTOPVIEWCXA1511M (CO: IC501)Except Japan modelHeadAmpLimiterAmpBPFBEFHysteresisComparatorNJM2229S (CV: IC452)67 9 10131415168 11 12 4 3 2 151 16Sync SepaSync Det PhaseDetVsync Sepa32fHVCO 1/32FRONT VIEWPin Name FunctionPCM1804 Terminal FunctionPinNo.1 VREFL L-channel voltage reference output, requires capacitors for decoupling to AGND.2 AGNDL Analog ground for VREFL.3 VCOM L L-channel analog common mode output.4 VINL+ I L-channel analog input, positive pin.5 VINL− I L-channel analog input, negative pin.6 FMT0 I Audio data format 0. See TABLE V. *7 FMT1 I Audio data format 1. See TABLE V. *8 S/M I Master/slave mode selection. See TABLE IV. *9 OSR0 I Oversampling ratio 0. See TABLE I. TABLE II. *10 OSR1 I Oversampling ratio 1. See TABLE I. TABLE II. *11 OSR2 I Oversampling ratio 2. See TABLE I. TABLE II. *12 BYPAS I HPF bypass control. HIGH: HPF disable, LOW: HPF enable. ***13 DGND Digital ground.14 VDD Digital power supply.15 DATA/DSDR O L-channel and R-channel audio data output in PCM mode. R-channel Audio data output in DSD mode.(DSD output, when DSD mode)16 BCK/DSDL I/O Bit clock input/output in PCM mode. L-channel audio data output in DSD mode. ***17 LRCK/DSDBCK I/O Sampling clock input/output in PCM and DSD mode. ***18 SCKI I System clock input; 128fs, 256fs, 384fs, 512fs or 768fs. **19 RST I Reset, power down input, active LOW. *20 OVFR O Overflow signal of R-channel in PCM mode. This is available in PCM mode only.21 OVFL O Overflow signal of L-channel in PCM mode. This is available in PCM mode only.22 VCC Analog power supply.23 AGND Analog ground.24 VINR− I R-channel analog input, negative pin.25 VINR+ I R-channel analog input, positive pin.26 VCOM R R-channel analog common mode output.27 AGNDR Analog ground for VREFR.28 VREFR R-channel voltage reference output, requires capacitors for decoupling to AGND.I/O* Schmitt trigger input with internal pull-down (51kohm typically), 5V tolerant.** Schmitt trigger input, 5V tolerant.*** Schmitt trigger input.www. xiaoyu163. comQQ 376315150 992894298TEL 13942296513 992894298051513673QQTEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299TEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299http://www.xiaoyu163.comhttp://www.xiaoyu163.com