Checking the information.BACKBACK SETUPUPENTERENTERTV AUDIOV AUDIOCHCH LEVELVEL RESTORERRESTORER SLEEPEEP SEARCHARCHQUICKQUICK SELECTECTPOWERPOWERMODEMODEAMAMMEMORYMEMORYCHANNELCHANNELININFO OPTIONOPTIONSOUND MODESOUND MODE AUDIO DEAUDIO DELAYAYTUNETUNEVOLUMEVOLUMEFMFMCBCBL /SATBlu-rayBlu-ray GAMEGAMEBluetoothBluetoothUSBUSBMEMEDIAIAPLAYERERDVDDVD /Blu-rayBlu-rayECOECO21 3 4MUTEMUTEINFOInformation on the main unit’s various settings (Status) and on inputsignals (Audio Input Signal) is shown on the display.1 Press INFO.The information screen is displayed.0 Press INFO to display current input source name, volume, sound mode, and otherinformation at the bottom of the screen..SOURCESOUNDSOURCEROOM EQDigitalMulti Ch StereoBluetoothOff40.0NOTE0 The status display screen cannot be displayed when playing the following videosignals.0 Computer resolution video0 Video with an aspect ratio other than 16:9 or 4:30 4K videoContents Connections Playback Settings Tips Appendix91Front panel Display Rear panel Remote Index