39 ENGLISH5. CONTROL FEATURES(5) Table of Status Request and Status information codesWhen a Status Request Command from the host is received by the DN-C640, the DN-C640 sends the Status Information to thehost. When the DN-C640 changes status, the DN-C640 automatically sends Status Information to the host.Mode Request Code StatusPower Mode “@0?PW”+CR On “@0PW00”+CRStandby “@0PW01”+CROff –Disc “@0?CD”+CR No Disc “@0CDNC”+CRLoading “@0CDRE”+CRDisc In “@0CDCI”+CRNetwork “@0CDNW”+CRExecuting “@0CDEX”+CRDiscError(Unformat) “@0CDCE”+CRStatus “@0?ST”+CR Stop Stop “@0STST”+CRCue “@0STCU”+CRSleep “@0STSL”+CRPlay Playback “@0STPL”+CRPlayback Pause “@0STPP”+CRFF “@0STFF”+CRRWD “@0STRW”+CREND MON “@0STEM”+CROther Ulitity / Preset “@0STED”+CROperation Error “@0STER”+CRTime Mode “@0?TM”+CR Time Mode TotalDiscTime “@0TMTD”+CRTrack Elapse Time “@0TMTT”+CRTrack Remain Time “@0TMTR”+CRFile Name “@0TMFN”+CRFile Information “@0TMFI”+CRRecorded Date “@0TMRD”+CRRecorded Time “@0TMRT”+CRRecorded Channel “@0TMCH”+CRTrack Number “@0?TR”+CR Track Number “@0TRXXX”+CRDisplay Time “@0?TI”+CR Time “@0TIhhhmmssff”+CRVolume “@0?VM”+CR Volume “@0VMXXX”+CRPitch “@0?PT”+CR Pitch “@0PTXXXX”+CRText Title “@0?T1”+CR Text Title “@0T1XXX...”+CR ✽1Text Artist “@0?T2”+CR Text Artist “@0T2XXX...”+CR ✽1Text Album “@0?T3”+CR Text Album “@0T3XXX...”+CR ✽1POS Code “@0?C1”+CR POS Code “@C1XXXXXXXXXXXXX”+CRISRC Code “@0?C1”+CR ISRC Code “@C2XXXXXXXXXXXX”+CR✽1: 0 to 255 digits