ENGLISH40When “5 RATINGS SETUP” is selected1234See page 32.Use the • and ª cursor buttons to select the desiredsetting, then press the SELECT button.1. RATINGSUse this to restrict playback of adult DVDs you donot want children to view. Note that even withadult DVDs, viewing cannot be restricted unlessthe restriction level is recorded on the disc.It is however possible to disable playback of allDVDs.2. PASSWORD CHANGEUse this to change the password.The set’s password is set to “0000” by default.✽ To exit the rating setup modeUse the • and ª cursor buttons to select “MAINPAGE”, then press the SELECT button.Press RETURN button, you can go back to theprevious screen.• The screen returns to as it was in step 1.Use the • and ª cursor buttons to select the desiredsetting, then press the SELECT button.q When “1 RATINGS” is selected:Level 0Select this to disable playback of all DVDs.Use this for example to disable playback of adultDVDs on which the rating level is not recorded.Level 1Select this to play only DVDs for children. (Adultand general audience DVDs cannot be played.)Level 2 to Level 7Select this to play DVDs for general audiencesand children. Adult DVDs cannot be played.Level 8 (Factory default)Select this to play all DVDs.Use the number buttons to input a 4-digit password,then press the SELECT button.✽ The set's password is set to "0000" by default.✽ Do not forget the password.✽ The setting cannot be changed without inputtingthe correct password.B PCM AUDIO TECHNOLOGY / DVD VIDEO PLAYER DVD-1000 STILL / PAUSE STOPSLOW / SEARCHSKIPPLAYOPEN / CLOSESETUPREMOTE SENSORSELECTMENUAUDIOOUTPUT TITLEOFF£ON/STANDBY¢2, 3, 42, 3, 41B8 9 6 73 1REMOTE CONTROL UNIT RC-543SELECTTITLE MENUDISPLAY RETURNSUBTITLE AUDIO ANGLERANDOMSET UP REPEAT A-B REPEATCALLPROG/DIRECTPOWER OPEN/CLOSE2 437 85 610 CLEAR9 +10NTSC/PAL2STOPSLOW/SEARCHPLAYSTILL/PAUSE- SKIP -12, 3, 4 3, 4RAT I NGS S E TUP MENU1 RAT I NGS2 P AS SWORD C HANGEMA I N P AGES E T RA T I NG L E V E LMain unitRemote control unitMain unit Remote control unitSELECTSELECTRAT I NGS0 ( L OC K AL L )12345678 (NO L I M I T )S E T TO L E V E L 8Main unitRemote control unitRAT I NGSCURR E NT P AS SWORDP L EAS E ENT E R PAS SWORD