– 28 – EN• ALLParental lock is cancelled.• Level 8DVD software of any grade (adult/general/children) canbe played back.• Levels 7 to 2Only DVD software intended for general use and chil-dren can be played back.• Level 1Only DVD software intended for children can be playedback, with those intended for adult and general useprohibited.CONTROL LEVELS This allows you to return all selections of SETUP (except forRATINGS) to their default settings.Press the SETUP button in stop mode.Press the Cursor buttons (s or B) to selectINITIALIZE, then press the ENTER button.Press the Cursor buttons (K or L) to select YES,then press the ENTER button.Press the SETUP button to exit.NOTE:• If you like to cancel initializing, select NO at step .34321Reset to the Default Settings(except for Ratings Control)This function allows you to adjust Angle Icon availability, AutoPower off, brightness of the Player’s display panel and slideshow mode.Press the SETUP button in stop mode.Press the Cursor buttons (s or B) to select CUSTOM,then press ENTER.• The custom mode will appear.Press the Cursor buttons (s orB) to select Other, then press theENTER button to confirm.Press the Cursor buttons (K orL) to select an item, then pressENTER.ANGLE ICON (Default : ON)• Press the ENTER button repeat-edly to turn ON or OFF.AUTO POWER OFF (Default : ON)• Press the ENTER button repeat-edly to turn ON or OFF.• It will turn off the DVD player au-tomatically after 30 minutes of nouse.PANEL DISPLAY(Default : BRIGHT)• Press the Cursor buttons (K orL) to select a setting (BRIGHT,DIMMER and AUTO), thenpress the ENTER button.• When AUTO is selected, the dis-play dims only during playback.SLIDE SHOW (Default : 5sec)• This adjusts the playback speed ofthe JPEG SLIDE SHOW.• Press the Cursor buttons (K orL) to select between 5 sec and10 sec, then press the ENTERbutton.Press the SETUP button to exit.54321Others SettingOTHERSPANEL DISPLAYBRIGHTDIMMERAUTOOTHERSANGLE ICON ONAUTO POWER OFF ONPANEL DISPLAY BRIGHTSLIDE SHOW 5secOTHERSANGLE ICON ONAUTO POWER OFF ONPANEL DISPLAY BRIGHTSLIDE SHOW 5secOTHERSANGLE ICON ONAUTO POWER OFF ONPANEL DISPLAY BRIGHTSLIDE SHOW 5secOTHERSSLIDE SHOW5sec10secIF YOU FORGET THE PASSWORDPress 4, 7, 3, 7 at step .• Password will be cleared and rating level will be set to ALL.Repeat steps to to re-establish the parental lock.74241Ratings ControlRatings Control allows you to set a limit, which prevents yourchildren from viewing inappropriate materials on DVDs. A four-digit password that you establish will give you the control.RATING LEVELYou can set a viewing limit through Rating Level. Playback ofthe discs will stop if the disc’s general rating exceeds the limityou set.Press the SETUP button in stop mode.Press the Cursor buttons (s or B) to selectCUSTOM, then press the ENTER button.Press the Cursor buttons (s orB) to select RATINGS, thenpress the ENTER button.Press the Numeric buttons toenter your four-digit password.• When doing this for the first time,enter any four-digit number bypressing the Numeric buttons(except for 4737), then press theENTER button. That number willbe used as the password from thesecond time onward. Record yourpassword in case you forget it.Press the Cursor buttons (K orL) to select RATING LEVEL,then press the ENTER button.Press the Cursor buttons (K orL) to select a desired level, thenpress the ENTER button.Press the SETUP button to exitand activate the new settings.NOTE:• This function may not work on some DVDs. Be sure ifthe RATINGS operates in the way you have set.To Change the Password:1) Follow the steps to above.2) Press the Cursor buttons (K or L) to select PASSWORDCHANGE, then press the ENTER button.3) Enter a new four-digit password, then press the ENTER button.4) Press the SETUP button to exit.417654321RATINGSRATING LEVEL ALLPASSWORD CHANGEPASSWORDRATINGSPlease enter a 4-digit password.RATINGSRATING LEVELALL87 [NC-17]6 [R]54 [PG13]3 [PG] LDVD SETUP