The informationon an MP3discin playcanbechecked._I PesstheF_lSPl!AYbu_tto_du_ _g peyb ck• The TRACK currently in playwill be highlighled, RACK1INotes• Daring play, a desired track can be directly searched.Just type in the TRACK nmnber with the numericbuttons.• If the typed TP,ACK number is not available, the"disable" symbol appears and the direct search modeis cancelled.• Playback cannot be started from a desired timecoIlnt,2 Press the £)lSPl! AY bu_toe agar_• The album name being dis-played will be replaced by theelapsed time of the track.• [_will be displayed when therepeal play has been selected.[_A : Album (t%lder) repeat[_T : Track repeat[_D : Disc repeatmACKI__XU_Ck_3 Pres 5t_/8 I,:.HSPlI.AYbutto[_ aga [r_and tt_e dspUay sc[eee d sappears__)_ gress the _ODE b£o_ twce i_ STOP mode• The program setting menu screen will appear.RANDOM ]START¸m EXlY: m2 IPrese the PLAY but{on_• P,andom play starts._)_ gress the _ODE butoe r'_ STOP modePress the SEAI'aCH [_$O[;)EIbu_er_ durr_¢/pUaybaclk,• The SEARCH menu shows up,• The TRACK currently in play or under RESUMEON will be highlighted. In the case of RESUMEOFF, the first track of the disc will be highlighted.• Press the RETURN button, and the SEARCH menudisappears.• The program screen shows up.PROG_AM (FOLL_N_r,_ME) i,i ]÷ALBUM01r RACK{;ISTARY m D_LE_E mRANDOM¸m EXIT¸ mALSbM01 ]TRAOK11]_R:kC_N2?'bg,CK_4 W15,1_2 L_shsg the _/_ butto_s, selieet e track to bepl!aged "l!"L_eep[ress the PI!,AY IbuMoe _e s{artp_ay n_/_2 Ueilr_gthe &/W IbutR_ns,seeet a b_acL TL_eepress the _N-I"EF:Ib@on _e _ave it ir_ a p_>.• When an ALBUM name ishighlighled, press the I_button, and the next hier-archy shows up.TRAOK11{8_g,Ck;12START: _ DELETE_[_I[ I_12121