20ENGLISH3B When “DELAY TIME” is selected:With 5.1-channel surround sound, ideally the distancebetween the listening position and all the speakersaside from the subwoofer should be the same. Thedelay time setting can be used to make the soundfrom the different speakers reach the listening positionat the same time.Use the • and ª cursor buttons to select the settingitem, then press the ENTER button.• When “DISTANCE” is selected:METERS (when the 0 cursor button is pressed):The unit of distance is set to meters (“m”).FEET (when the 1 cursor button is pressed):The unit of distance is set to feet (“ft”).• When “FRONT Lch”, “FRONT Rch”, “CENTER”,“SURROUND Lch”, ”SURROUND Rch”,“SUBWOOFER” is selected:Use the 0 and 1 cursor buttons to set the distancefrom the listening position to the different speakers.✽ The distance can be set within the range of 0 to18 meters (60 feet).✽ The maximum difference in speaker distance forwhich adjustment is possible is 7.5 meters (25feet).• When “DEFAULT” is selected:When “DEFAULT” is selected and the ENTER buttonis pressed, all the items are restored to their factorydefault settings.✽ When digital connections are made with an AV amplifier,make the speaker settings on the AV amplifier.For DVD audio discs, the disc’s settings are givenpriority, so the sound may not be produced as set withthe above speaker mode setting.✽ Press the RETURN button to return to the “SPEAKERSETUP” menu.Remote control unitENTERRemote control unitENTERRemote control unitS P E A K E R S E T UPSE L ECT : DEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONDE L AY T I MED I STANCEF RONT L chCENT ERF RONT RchMETERS3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.0 m3.0 mONSURROUND RchSURROUND L chSUBWOOF ERDE F AUL TS P E A K E R S E T UPSE L ECT : DEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONDE L AY T I MED I STANCEF RONT L chCENT ERF RONT RchONSURROUND RchSURROUND L chSUBWOOF ERDE F AUL TMETERS3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.0 m3.0 mS P E A K E R S E T UPSE L ECT : DEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONDE L AY T I MED I STANCEF RONT L chCENT ERF RONT RchONSURROUND RchSURROUND L chSUBWOOF ERDE F AUL TMETERS3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.0 m3.0 m3Remote control unitENTERRemote control unitAUD I O SE TUPSE L ECT : DEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONAUD I O CHANNE LD I G I TAL OUTL PCM (4 4 .1 kHz / 4 8 kH z)BASS ENHANCERNORMALPCMI E E E 1 3 9 4DENON L I NKE X I T SE TUPSOURCE D I RECTAUD I O SE TUPSE L ECT : DEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONAUD I O CHANNE LD I G I TAL OUTL PCM (4 4 .1 kHz / 4 8 kH z)BASS ENHANCERI E E E 1 3 9 4DENON L I NKE X I T SE TUPONOF FSOURCE D I RECTAUD I O SE TUPSE L ECT : DEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONAUD I O CHANNE LD I G I TAL OUTL PCM (4 4 .1 kHz / 4 8 kH z)BASS ENHANCER2ndOF FI E E E 1 3 9 4DENON L I NKE X I T SE TUPSOURCE D I RECTw When “DIGITAL OUT” is selected:NORMAL (Factory default)When playing DVDs recorded in Dolby Digital or DTS,bitstream signals are output from the digital audio outputterminals. When playing DVDs recorded in linear PCM orpacked PCM, linear PCM signals are output.Select “NORMAL” when making digital connections toan AV amplifier with built-in Dolby Digital and DTSdecoder.PCMWhen playing Dolby Digital/DTS bitstream signals orDVDs recorded in linear PCM or packed PCM, the signalsare converted into 48 kHz/16-bit PCM (2-channel) signalsand output from the digital outputs. When playing DVDsrecorded in PCM, linear PCM signals are output.e When “LPCM (44.1 kHz/ 48 kHz)” is selected:OFF (Factory default)When playing linear PCM or packed PCM DVDs that arenot copyright-protected, for 2-channel PCM audio signalsup to 96 kHz, linear PCM signals are output as suchwithout being converted from the digital outputs. (176.2kHz and 192 kHz signals are converted to 88.2 kHz and96 kHz, respectively.)For DVDs containing multi-channel PCM signals, thedigital signals are down-mixed for output into twochannels, front left and right. (Only the front left and rightchannels are output for sources for which down-mixing isprohibited.)When playing copyright-protected linear PCM or packedPCM DVDs, in consideration of copyrights, no digitalsignals are output for sources exceeding 48 kHz/16 bits.When playing such sources, either set to “ON” or makeanalog connections. (See page 9.)ONLinear PCM and packed PCM signals are converted to44.1 kHz or 48 kHz and output. (The PCM digital audiooutput signals are converted to 48 kHz or less inconsideration of copyrights.) When making digitalconnections to an AV amplifier that is not compatiblewith 96 kHz/88.2 kHz signals, set to “ON”.r When “DENON LINK” is selected:OFF (Factory default)Digital audio signals are not output from the DENONLINK terminal.2ndSet this when the amplifier to be connected is DENONLINK 2nd.