12e Check that there is a checkmark next to “DefaultDevice” under in “Digital Audio Interface” of the“Playback” tab.• When there is a checkmark for a different device,click “Denon USB Audio” and “Set Default”.r Select “Digital Audio Interface” and click“Properties”.• The Digital Audio Interface Properties windowis displayed.PropertiesSelect a playback device below to modify its settingsSoundConfigureConfigure Set DefaultSet DefaultPlayback Recording CommunicationsSoundsSelect a playback device below to modifyrt Click the “Advanced” tab.y Select the sampling rate and bit rate to be appliedto the D/A converter.• It is recommended that “2 channel, 24 bit,192000 Hz (Studio Quality)” is selected.u Click “Apply”.i Click “Test”.• Check that audio from this unit is output fromthe PC.ApplyCancelTestOK2 channel, 24 bit, 192000 H Studio QualityGive exclusive mode applications priorityDefault FormatSelect the sample rate and bit depth to be used when runningin shared mode.Digital Audio Interface PropertiesAllow applications to take exclusive control of this deviceApplyRestore DefaultsRestore DefaultsGeneral Supported Formats Levels Advanced2 channel, 24 bit, 44100 H Studio Quality2 channel, 24 bit, 48000 H Studio Quality2 channel, 24 bit, 96000 H Studio Quality2 channel, 24 bit, 192000 H Studio Qualityt iyu