1110201650 ROTOR PFA/P 056Fuel Line HoseNozzleAssemblyFigure 13 - Removing Air and FuelLine HosesCombustionChamberAir Line HoseNozzleAssemblyFigure 14 - Removing Nozzle AssemblyBurnerStrapNozzleNozzleFaceNozzleAdapterAir LineFittingFuel LineFittingNozzleSealFigure 16 - Rotor LocationPumpPlateBladeAir IntakeFilterFilter EndCoverFan GuardRotorInsertAir OutputFilterFigure 15 - Nozzle and Nozzle Adapter45° BurnerStrapFigure 12 - Spark Plug Rotation13.Replace burner strap onto combus-tion chamber.14.Attach spark plug wire to sparkplug.15.Attach fuel and air line hoses tonozzle assembly.16.Replace fan (see page 9).17.Replace fan guard and upper shell.Nozzle1. Remove upper shell (see page 9).2. Remove fan (see page 9).3. Remove fuel and air line hoses fromnozzle assembly.4. Turn nozzle assembly 1/4 turn to leftand pull toward motor to remove.5. Place plastic hex-body into vise andlightly tighten.6. Carefully remove nozzle from thenozzle adapter using 5/8" socketwrench.7. Blow compressed air through face ofnozzle. This will free any dirt innozzle area.8. Inspect nozzle seal for damage.9. Replace nozzle into nozzle adapteruntil nozzle seats. Tighten 1/3 turnmore using 5/8" socket wrench (40-45 inch-pounds).10.Attach nozzle assembly to burnerstrap.11.Attach fuel and airline hoses tonozzle assembly.12.Replace fan (see page 9).13.Replace fan guard and upper shell.Pump Rotor(Procedure if rotor is binding)1. Remove upper shell (see page 9).2. Remove filter end cover screwsusing 5/16" nut-driver.3. Remove filter end cover and airfilters.4. Remove pump plate screws using5/16" nut-driver.5. Remove pump plate.6. Remove rotor, insert, and blades.7. Check for debris in pump. If debrisis found, blow out with compressedair.8. Install insert and rotor.9. Check gap on rotor. Adjust to.003"/.004" if needed (see Figure 17,page 12).Note: Rotate rotor one full turn toinsure the gap is .003"/.004" at tightestposition. Adjust if needed.