www.desatech.com 113183-01B8INSTALLATIONNOTICE: This heater is intendedfor use as supplemental heat.Use this heater along with yourprimary heating system. Do notinstall this heater as your pri-mary heat source. If you have acentral heating system, you mayrun system’s circulating blowerwhile using heater. This will helpcirculate the heat throughout thehouse. In the event of a poweroutage, you can use this heateras your primary heat source.WARNING: Installation andrepair should be done by aqualified service person. Theappliance should be inspectedbefore use and at least annu-ally by a professional serviceperson. More frequent cleaningmay be required due to exces-sive lint from carpeting, beddingmaterial, etc. It is imperative thatcontrol compartments, burnersand circulating air passagewaysof the appliance be kept clean.WARNING: Before installingin a solid fuel burning fireplace,the chimney flue and fireboxmust be cleaned of soot, creo-sote, ashes and loose paint by aqualified chimney cleaner. Creo-sote will ignite if highly heated. Adirty chimney flue may create anddistribute soot within the house.Inspect chimney flue and fireboxfor damage. If damaged, repairflue before operating heater.WARNING: Seal any freshair vents or ash clean-out doorslocated on floor or wall of fire-place. If not, drafting may causepilot outage or sooting. Use aheat-resistant sealant. Do notseal chimney flue damper.WARNING: Never install theheater• in a bedroom or bathroom• in a recreational vehicle• where curtains, furniture,clothing, or other flammableobjects are less than 42 inchesfrom the front, top, or sides ofthe firebox opening• in high traffic areas• in windy or drafty areasCAUTION: This heater createswarm air currents. These currentsmove heat to wall surfaces nextto heater. Installing heater nextto vinyl or cloth wall coverings oroperating heater where impurities(such as, but not limited to, to-bacco smoke, aromatic candles,cleaning fluids, oil or kerosenelamps, etc.) in the air exist, maydiscolor walls or cause odors.IMPORTANT: Vent-free heaters add moisture tothe air. Although this is beneficial, installing heaterin rooms without enough ventilation air may causemildew to form from too much moisture. See Airfor Combustion and Ventilation, page 5.CHECK GAS TYPEUse the correct gas type (natural or propane/LP)for your unit. If your gas supply is not correct, donot install fireplace. Call dealer where you boughtfireplace for proper type fireplace.WARNING: This applianceis equipped for (natural or pro-pane/LP) gas. Field conversionis not permitted.