www.desatech.com119315-01A 19OFFPILOTONopERaTiNG FiREplaCEContinuedD. Do not use this appliance if any part hasbeen under water. Immediately call aqualified service technician to inspect theappliance and to replace any part of thecontrol system and any gas control whichhas been under water.LIGHTINGINSTRUCTIONSWARNING: You must operatethis fireplace with the screenin place. Make sure fireplacescreen is installed before run-ning fireplace.NOTICE: During initial opera-tion of new fireplace, burninglogs will give off a paper-burn-ing smell. Open window to ventsmell. Operate fireplace on HIposition to burn off odor. Thiswill only last a few hours.1. STOP! Read the safety information, page 18.2. Make sure equipment shutoff valve isfully open.3. Turn control knob clockwise to theOFF position.4. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas.Then smell for gas, including near the floor.If you smell gas, STOP! Follow “B” in thesafety information, page 18. If you don’tsmell gas, go to the next step.5. Turn control knob counterclockwiseto the PILOT position. Press in control knobfor five (5) seconds (see Figure 27).Note: You may be running this fireplace forthe first time after hooking up to gas sup-ply. If so, the control knob may need to bepressed in for 30 seconds or more. This willallow air to bleed from the gas system.• If control knob does not pop out whenreleased, contact a qualified service personor gas supplier for repairs.6. With control knob pressed in, press andrelease ignitor button (see Figure 27). Thiswill light pilot. The pilot is attached tothe front burner. If needed, keep pressingignitor button until pilot lights.Note: If pilot does not stay lit, refer toTroubleshooting, page 31. Also, contact aqualified service person or gas supplier forrepairs. Until repairs are made, light pilotwith match. To light pilot with match, seeManual Lighting Procedure on page 20.7. Keep control knob pressed in for 30 secondsafter lighting pilot. After 30 seconds, releasecontrol knob.Note: If pilot goes out, repeat steps 3through 7. This fireplace has a safety inter-lock system. Wait one (1) minute for systemto reset before lighting pilot again.8. Turn control knob counterclockwiseto ON position. The burner should light.CAUTION: Do not try to ad-just heating levels by using theequipment shutoff valve.Figure 27 - Control Knob In The OFFPositionPiezo IgnitorControl KnobFigure 28 - Natural Gas PilotThermocouple Ignitor ElectrodePilot BurnerThermocoupleIgnitorElectrode Pilot BurnerFigure 29 - Propane/LP Gas Pilot