www.desatech.com119315-01A 5LOG SET• If you remove one-piece log set for cleaning,refer to Installing Log Set and Screen, page 18,for placement instructions.• Replace log set if broken or chipped (dime-sizedor larger).CABINETAir PassagewaysUse pressurized air to clean.ExteriorUse a soft cloth dampened with a mild soap andwater mixture. Wipe the cabinet to remove dust.Figure 41 - Pilot Inlet Air Hole(Propane/LP Gas)Pilot AssemblyPilot AirInlet HolePilot AssemblyPilot AirInlet HoleFigure 42 - Pilot Inlet Air Hole(Natural Gas)ClEaNiNG aNDMaiNTENaNCEContinuedTRoUBlEshooTiNGWARNING: Turn off and unplug fireplace and let cool beforeservicing. Only a qualified service person should service and repairfireplace.CAUTION: Never use a wire, needle or similar object to cleanODS/pilot. This can damage ODS/pilot unit.Note: All troubleshooting items are listed in order of operation.POSSIbLE CAUSE1. Ignitor electrode not con-nected to ignitor cable2. Ignitor cable pinched or wet3. Broken ignitor cable4. Bad ignitor5. Ignitor electrode positionedwrong6. Ignitor electrode broken7. Battery not installed, batterypower low or battery notinstalled correctlyREMEDY1. Reconnect ignitor cable2. Free ignitor cable if pinchedby any metal or tubing. Keepignitor cable dry3. Replace ignitor cable4. Replace ignitor5. Replace pilot assembly6. Replace pilot assembly7. Install new alkaline battery inelectronic ignitor. Verify bat-tery is installed correctlyObSERVED PRObLEMWhen ignitor button is pressed,there is no spark at ODS/pilot