www.desatech.com 113132-01A10INSTALLATIONContinued4. Place hearth base accessory against wall atinstallation location. Cut an access hole inhearth top to run flexible gas line to fireplace(see Figure 9). Make sure to locate access holeso cabinet mantel will cover it when installed.Note: You can secure base to floor using woodscrews. Countersink screw heads and putty over.5. Route flexible gas line through access hole inhearth base.6. Center cabinet mantel on hearth base (see Fig-ure 10). Make sure mantel is flush against wall.7. Break off nailing flanges (see Figure 11) withhammer or pliers.8. Place cardboard or other protective materialon top of hearth base. Carefully set fireplaceon protective material, with back of fireplaceinside mantel opening.9. Attach flexible gas line from fireplace gasregulator to gas supply. See Connecting Fire-place to Gas Supply, page 14.10. If blower is installed, route blower electricalcord through access holes in either side of fire-place.Note: Bushing may be moved if neces-sary. Plug electrical cord into electrical outlet.CONVENTIONAL FIREPLACEINSTALLATIONConventional installation of this fireplace involvesinstalling fireplace along with the corner, face, orcabinet mantel with hearth base accessories againsta wall in your home. Follow the instructions inthis section to install the fireplace in this manner.Note: The instructions in this section show instal-lation using the cabinet mantel and theG3333F/G3334U/G3004W/G3335F/G3007U se-ries hearth base accessories. The hearth base ac-cessory shown is optional for this installation. Youcan install fireplace and cabinet/corner mantel di-rectly on the floor. The corner mantel accessorycannot be installed with the G3333F/G3334U/G3004W/G3335F/G3007U hearth base. The cor-ner mantel can be paired with the G3008F/G3009U/G3010F corner hearth base. If mountingfireplace and cabinet or corner mantel to the floor,an optional G3005J/3005S/3005B Slim Base kitmay be installed.1. Assemble cabinet mantel, hearth base, andtrim accessories. Assembly instructions are in-cluded with each accessory.2. When installing blower, install a properlygrounded, 120 volt three-prong electrical out-let at fireplace location if an outlet is not there.If possible, locate outlet so cabinet mantel willcover it when installed (see Figure 9).3. Install gas piping to fireplace location. Thisinstallation includes an approved flexible gasline (if allowed by local codes) after the equip-ment shutoff valve. The flexible gas line mustbe the last item installed on the gas piping.See Installing Gas Piping to Fireplace Loca-tion, pages 12 and 13.Figure 10 - Installing Cabinet MantelCabinetMantelFigure 9 - Placing Hearth BaseAccessory Against WallElectrical OutletHearth BaseRigid Pipe and GasShutoff ValveGas LineAccess HoleFigure 11 - Location of Nailing FlangesNailingFlanges