www.desatech.com122272-01C 9installationContinuedFLASHING INSTALLATION (V6F-10DMOR V12F-10DM)Determine flashing to be used with roof open-ing chart. Slide flashing over pipe until base isflat against roof. Replace as many shingles asneeded to cover exposed area and flashingbase. Secure in position by nailing throughshingles (see Figure 13). DO NOT NAILTHROUGH FLASHING CONE.Nail OnlyOuterPerimeterof FlashingStormCollarFlashingConeUnderlapShinglesat BottomOverlapShingles Topand Sides OnlyFigure 13 - Flashing InstallationInstalling Flashing on a Metal RoofWhen installing the flashing on a metal roof,it is required that putty tape be used betweenthe flashing and the roof. The flashing must besecured to the roof using #8 x 3/4" screws andthen sealed with roof coating to prevent leak-age through the screw holes. A roof coatingmust also be applied around the perimeter ofthe flashing to provide a proper seal.Storm Collar Installation (SC2-1)Place storm collar over pipe and slide downuntil it is snug against open edge of flashing(see Figure 14). Apply waterproof caulk aroundperimeter of collar to provide a proper seal.Figure 14 - Storm CollarChimneyPipeWaterproofCaulkStormCollar FlashingTerminations/Spark ArrestorFireplace system must be terminated withlisted round top or chase terminations. In anycase, refer to installation instructions suppliedwith termination.CAUTION: Do not seal open-ings on the rooftop flashing.Follow installation instructionsprovided with termination beingused.SecureTerminationto OuterPipe with 3ScrewsRLT-12D(Shown)Level ofFlue GasOutletStainlessInner FluePipeWaterproofCaulkingStormCollarFlashingUnderlapShinglesFigure 15 - TerminationOverlapShingles (Topand Sides ofFlashing Base)CHASE INSTALLATIONSInstructions for chase installations are includ-ed with the chase style termination chosen.In a multiple chase installation, be sure toprovide adequate distance between termi-nations to prevent smoke spillage from onetermination to another. Terminations must beseparated a minimum of 24" center to centerand stacked at a minimum vertical height dif-ference of 18" (see Figure 16, page 10).Note: If a decorative shroud is to be installed,contact the manufacturer for specifications.