www.desatech.com113084-01J 27ACCESSORIESREcEIVER AND HAND-HELDTHERMOSTAT REMOTE cONTROLKIT - HRC200For remote-ready models. Allows the gaslog heater to be operated in a manually orthermostatically controlled mode. You canturn the gas log heater on and off without everleaving the comfort of your easy chair. A wall-mount docking station is included.REcEIVER AND HAND-HELDREMOTE CONTROL KIT - HRC100For remote-ready models. Allows the gaslog heater to be turned on and off by using ahand-held remote control. A wall-mount dock-ing station is included.WALL-MOUNT THERMOSTATSWITcH - GWMT1For remote-ready models. The desired com-fort setting can be selected on the wall thermo-stat and the log heater will automatically cyclefrom pilot to the heat setting selected.WALL-MOUNT ON/OFF SWITcHGWMS2For remote-ready models. Allows the gaslog heater to be turned on and off with a wallswitch.CLEANING KIT - CCKFor all models. Your vent-free gas appliancerequires regular cleaning and maintenance toprevent performance problems. This kit givesyou the tools and instructions to make it easyto clean all critical areas of your appliance.INFORMATION DVDFor all models. A care and maintenancevideo is available by calling 1-866-672-6040.You may also email your request toproductsupport@desaint.com.STOVE HEARTH BASE - GC10SPFor all models. Hearth base stained oak fin-ish. Required when stove is placed on carpet.Dimensions 4" x 35 3/4" x 30 1/2" (H x W x D).STOVE CONVERSION KIT -113051-01For models using SVYD18NR/PR vent-freestove inserts. This kit supplies stove backpanel, stove dropped bottom and neededhardware to mount the vent-free heater intothe stove.Purchase these accessories from yourlocal dealer. If they can not supply theseaccessories call DESA Heating, LLC at1-866-672-6040 for information. You can alsowrite to the address listed on the back pageof this manual.