111515-01AFor more information, visit www.desatech.comFor more information, visit www.desatech.com99Minimum Non-CombustibleMaterialMinimum Non-CombustibleMaterial HeightDistances toUnderside ofMantelTop of FireplaceOpeningUnderside ofMantel ShelfMantel Shelf12"8"(A)18"8"20"14"22"17"24"20"All minimumdistances arein inchesLog Set24"/30"/36" Models18" Model2 1/2 "6"8"10"Minimum Non-CombustibleMaterial 8"Min.12" 15" 18"All minimumdistances arein inches20"2 1/2"6"8"10"12"Distances toUnderside ofMantelHood(GA6050, GA6052)Top of FireplaceOpeningUnderside ofMantel ShelfMantel ShelfINSTALLATIONContinuedMANTEL CLEARANCESIn addition to meeting noncombustible material clearances, you mustalso meet required clearances between fireplace opening and mantelshelf. If you do not meet the clearances listed below, you will need a hood.Determining Minimum Mantel ClearanceIf you meet minimum clearance between mantel shelf and top offireplace opening, a hood is not required (see Figure 6).Determining Minimum Mantel Clearance WhenUsing a HoodIf minimum clearances in Figure 6 are not met, you must havea hood. When using a hood there are still certain minimummantel clearances required. Follow minimum clearances shownin Figure 7 when using hood.NOTICE: Surface temperatures of adjacent walls andmantels become hot during operation. Walls andmantels above the firebox may become hot to thetouch. If installed properly, these temperatures meetthe requirement of the national product standard.Follow all minimum clearances shown in this manual.NOTICE: If your installation does not meet the minimumclearances shown, you must do one of the following:• operate the logs only with the flue damper open• raise the mantel to an acceptable height• remove the mantelFigure 6 - Minimum Mantel Clearances Without Using HoodFigure 8 - Minimum Fireplace Clearances If Installed at Floor LevelFigure 9 - Minimum Fireplace Clearances Above CombustibleFlooringFigure 7 - Minimum Mantel Clearances When Using HoodHood(GA6050, GA6052,or GA6053)Hearth5"Min.CombustibleMaterialINSTALLATIONMantel ClearancesFloor ClearancesFLOOR CLEARANCESA. If installing appliance on the floor level, you must maintainthe minimum distance of 14" to combustibles (see Figure 8).B. If combustible materials are less than 14" to the fireplace, youmust install appliance at least 5" above the combustible floor-ing (see Figure 9).14"Min.CombustibleMaterialNon-Combustible MaterialNoncombustible Material