16103807Pump(Procedure if pump is binding)1. Remove upper shell (see page14).2. Loosen hex screw on flangeclamp at rear of motor with5/16" nut-driver (see Figure11).3. Turn fan with hand (see Figure12).4. If fan turns freely, tightenscrew on flange clamp.5. If fan does not turn freely,replace pump.6. Replace upper shell.Fuel Lines(Procedure for tighteningfuel lines)1. Remove upper shell (see page14).2. Use 7/16" wrench and tightenfuel lines at solenoid valve (seeFigure 13), pump, and pumpfuel filter assembly (see Figure14).Pump PressureAdjustment1. Remove pressure gage plugfrom fuel pump port marked“GAGE.”2. Install accessory pressuregage (part number M4574) tofuel pump port marked“GAGE” (see Figure 10).3. Start heater (see Operation,page 8). Allow motor toreach full speed.4. Adjust pressure to 100 psi.Use small flat blade screw-driver to turn slotted screw atfuel pump port marked“PRESS ADJ.” Turn screwclockwise to increasepressure. Turn screwcounterclockwise to decreasepressure.5. Remove pressure gage.Replace pressure gage plugin fuel pump port marked“GAGE.”FuelLinePumpFigure 14 - Fuel Lines at Pump andPump Fuel Filter AssemblyFuelLinespsiFigure 10 - Adjusting Pump PressurePressureGageFuel Pump PortMarked “PRESS ADJ”Fuel Pump PortMarked “GAGE”Figure 12 - Turning Fan with HandFigure 11 - Location of Screwon Flange ClampHex Screw OnFlange Clamp