www.desatech.com118620-01E 17OpERATING HEATERContinued3. MODE - Indicates operation MODE ofsystem. ON indicates system is on eithermanually or thermostatically. OFF indi-cates entire system is turned off. THER-MO indicates system will automaticallycycle on and off depending on program.4. SET - Indicates desire set room tempera-ture for THERMO operation.5. FLAME - Indicates burner and valve inoperation.6. CLOCK - Indicates current time in AM or PM.7. ROOM - Indicates CURRENT room tem-perature.8. °F indicates degrees Fahrenheit (°C indi-cates degrees Celsius).ONOFFTHERMOSETPMFLAMEROOM18723546P2P12P1P AMPMFigure 25 - LCD DisplayButtonsMODE - Changes modes from ON, THERMOand OFF.DOWN - Lowers set temperature in THERMOmode.UP - Increases set temperature in THERMOmodeTIME/PROGRAM - Activates time setting andactivates PROGRAM mode.SET - Used to set clock and timer.Setting the ClockSlide open plastic cover on front of remotecontrol to expose setting buttons.UPDOWNSETTIME/PROGRAMOFFSETPMROOMFigure 26 - Mode ButtonsModeButtonThe cover protects buttons from being changedaccidentally. Close cover after completing thefollowing settings and programming.1. Press and hold TIME/PROGRAM buttonon remote control for more than 2 sec-onds. Hour digit(s) will begin flashing.2. Press UP or DOWN button until desiredhour is displayed in AM or PM.3. Press and release TIME/PROGRAMbutton again and minute digits will beginflashing.4. Press UP or DOWN button until desiredminutes are displayed.5. Press and release SET button on remotecontrol to stop time digits from flashingand set the time.Note: Flashing numbers on display indicatesystem is awaiting user input, such as usingUP and DOWN buttons to program a newsetting. If no change is made to flashing dig-its within 15 seconds, system will completeprocedure last programmed and reset thedisplay to its normal state.Setting Fahrenheit and Celsius ScaleFactory setting for temperature is 0° F. Tochange this setting to 0° C, press UP but-ton and DOWN button on remote control atthe same time to change from 0° F to 0° C.Follow this same procedure to change from0° C back to 0° F.Manual FunctionTo operate system in ON manual mode, pressMODE button. The flame icon will come on.The word ON and the flame icon will appearon LCD screen in ON mode.To operate system in OFF manual mode,press MODE button again. The FLAME iconwill shut off. The word OFF will appear onLCD screen. The flame icon will not appearon LCD screen in OFF mode.Thermostat FunctionThis remote control system can be thermo-statically controlled when remote control isin THERMO mode (THERMO must be dis-played on the screen). To set desired roomtemperature, press MODE button to place re-mote control into THERMO mode, then pressUP or DOWN button to select desired roomtemperature. Within 5 seconds appliance willturn on or off. The highest SET temperatureis 99° F (37° C). The lowest SET temperatureis 45° F (8° C). The factory set number willbe 45° F (8° C).