13104975OWNER’S MANUALEC CONFORMITY DECLARATIONDESA Europe B.V.Innsbruckweg 144, 3047 AHPostbus 111583004 ED RotterdamHollandManufacturer:DESA International, Inc.2701 Industrial DriveBowling Green, KY 42101 U.S.A.Kerosene Portable Forced Air HeatersModel Number: R 15 E UKIt is declared that these models conform to the Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC,including 91/368/EEC and the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC. It is furtherdeclared that these models conform to the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, amendedby 92/31/EEC and including EN50081-1 and EN50082-1.We declare that the models noted are in conformity.Company DESA International, Inc.Name Douglas D. RohrerTitle Vice President, Specialty Products Engineering06/15/97 - Bowling Green, KYDate and Place SignatureECCONFORMITYDECLARATION