www.desatech.com 116646-01H4SaFETy Continued8. Have venting system inspected annually bya qualified service person. If needed, haveventing system cleaned or repaired. SeeCleaning and Maintenance, page 30.9. Do not use this fireplace to cook food orburn paper or other objects.10. This appliance, when installed, must beelectrically grounded in accordance withlocal codes or, in the absence of localFigure 1 - Direct-Vent Fireplace with Millivolt IgnitionGlass Door AssemblyON/OFF/REMOTE Switch(Optional Installation)Log SetLava RockGlowingEmbersUpper Louver PanelLower Louver PanelFlue CollarNailing FlangeGrate AssemblyPiezo IgnitorControl ValveBlower Switch (Optional Installation)lOCal CODEScodes, with the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.11. Do not use fireplace if any part has beenunder water. Immediately call a qualifiedservice person to arrange for replacementof the unit.12. Do not operate fireplace if log is broken.13. Provide adequate clearances around airopenings.pRODUCT IDENTIFICaTIONInstall and use fireplace with care. Follow alllocal codes. In the absence to local codes,use the current National Fuel Gas Code ANSIZ223.1/NFPA 54*.*Available from:American National Standards Institute, Inc.1430 BroadwayNew York, NY 10018National Fire Protection Association, Inc.Batterymarch ParkQuincy, MA 02269pRODUCT FEaTURESThese are a few facts that can help you under-stand and enjoy your direct-vent fireplace:• The venting system may be routed to theoutside of your home in several ways. It mayvent through the roof (vertical) or it may ventto an outside/exterior wall (horizontal). Thevent pipe installation is very important toallow for proper operation. You must followthe venting instructions very carefully foreither vertical or horizontal applications.• This fireplace may be installed in any roomof your house provided all local codes andthese installation instructions are followed.• This fireplace does not require electricityto operate.• Only the blower requires electricity ifinstalled. If you plan to install the blowerat a later date, outlet must be wired at thebottom of the fireplace when framing.• A piezo ignitor and ceramic electrode createsparks to ignite the pilot light. It does notrequire any matches, batteries or any othersources of ignition to light the pilot.• Each time you turn on your fireplace, youmay notice some amount of condensationon the inside of the fireplace glass. Thisis normal and will disappear after 10-20minutes of operation.• Your direct-vent gas fireplace system(fireplace and venting) is a balanced and