www.desatech.com111986-01D 155. Place the flashing over the pipe section(s)extending through the roof. Secure the base ofthe flashing to the roof and framing with roof-ing nails. Be sure roofing material overlaps thetop edge of the flashing as shown in Figure 19,page 14. There must be a 1" clearance fromthe vent pipe to combustible materials.6. Continue to add pipe sections until the heightof the vent cap meets the minimum buildingcode requirements described in Figure 7 onpage 7. Note: You must increase vent heightfor steep roof pitches. Nearby trees, adjoiningrooflines, steep pitched roofs and other similarfactors may cause poor draft or down-draftingin high winds. Increasing the vent height maysolve this problem.7. Twist-lock the vent cap onto the last sectionof vent pipe.Note: If the vent pipe passes through any occupiedareas above the first floor, including storage spacesand closets, you must enclose pipe. You mayframe and sheetrock the enclosure with standardconstruction material. Make sure and meet theminimum allowable clearances to combustibles.Do not fill any of the required air spaces withinsulation.VENTING INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSContinuedVertical Termination ConfigurationsFigures 21 through 24 show four different con-figurations for vertical termination.Venting with Two 90° ElbowsVertical (V)Horizontal (H1) +Horizontal (H2)5' min. ' max.6' min. 4' max.7' min. 6' max.8' min. 8' max.0' max. 8' max.Figure 21 - Vertical VentingConfiguration Using Two 90° Elbowswith Two Horizontal Runs (VerticalRound High Wind Termination Shown)Note: Install restrictorinto inner collar offireplace as shown.45° ElbowVenting with One 90° ElbowVertical (V) Horizontal (H)5' min. ' max.6' min. 4' max.7' min. 6' max.8' min. 8' max.0' max. 8' max.Figure 22 - Vertical VentingConfiguration Using One 90° Elbow(Vertical Round High Wind TerminationShown)45° ElbowNote: Install restrictor intoinner collar of fireplace asshown.