111252-01DFor more information, visit www.desatech.comFor more information, visit www.desatech.com26OPERATING FIREPLACEContinuedOPERATING FIREPLACEOptional Hand-Held Remote OperationOFFPILOTONLOIHONOFFREMOTEONOFFBlower Control Knob(Optional Accessory) VariableControl KnobSelector Switchin RemotePosition Gas Control Knobin ON PositionFigure 53 - Setting the Selector Switch, Gas Control Knob, andVariable Control Knob for Remote OperationAfter lighting, let pilot flame burn for about one minute. Turncontrol knob to ON position. Adjust flame adjustment knobanywhere between HI and LO. Slide the selector switch to theREMOTE position (see Figure 53).Note: The burner may lightif hand-held remote was on when selector switch was last turnedoff. You can now turn the burner on and off with the hand-heldremote control unit.IMPORTANT: Do not leave the selector switch in the REMOTEor ON position when the pilot is not lit. This will drain thebattery.ON/OFF SERIES (MODELS GHRCB ANDCGHRCTB)Hold the control button on the hand-held remote until burnerturns on. Hold the control button again until burner turns off(see Figure 54).TO LOCK press both buttons on hand-held remote control untillight stops flashing. Hand-held remote control is now locked. Ifthe fire is on it will be turned off automatically. In the locked state,the light will not light up when any button is pressed.TO UNLOCK press both buttons together on hand-held remotecontrol until the light stops flashing. The hand-held remote isnow unlocked.THERMOSTAT SERIES (MODELS GHRCTBAND CGHRCTB)The hand-held remote can be operated using either the manualmode (MANU) or thermostatic mode (AUTO) (see Figure 55). Toselect Fahrenheit/Centigrade mode display, carefully press the ˚C/˚F mode button with the end of a paper clip or similar blunt object.Manual Mode1. Press the POWER and LOCK buttons together to turn onthe hand-held remote control.2. Press the MANU button to turn on the fireplace.3. Press the POWER and LOCK buttons together to turn offthe fireplace.Auto (Thermostatic) Mode1. Press the POWER and LOCK buttons together to turn onthe hand-held remote control.2. Press AUTO button to select this mode.3. Set the desired room temperature by pressing the TEMP +or - buttons.4. Press the POWER and LOCK buttons together to turn offthe fireplaceNote: Do not leave the hand-held remote in the AUTO modeclose to the fireplace. The radiant heat from the fireplace willturn off the fireplace. Ideally, place the hand-held remote in thecenter of the room facing towards the fireplace.Note: Do not hold the hand-held remote for a long time. Bodytemperature will affect its operation in the AUTO mode.Safety FeaturesWhen away from home for an extended period of time or as achild safety feature to prevent accidental ignition of the fire-place, the receiver ON/OFF/REMOTE switch should be in theOFF position.Note: All remote control accessories must be purchased sepa-rately (see Accessories, page 39). Follow instructions includedwith the remote control.OPTIONAL HAND-HELDREMOTE OPERATIONNOTICE: You must light the pilot before using thehand-held remote control unit. SeeLighting Instruc-tions on page 25.Figure 54 - On/Off Hand-Held Remote Control Unit (C)GHRCBControl ButtonTurns BurnersOn and OffFigure 55 - Thermostat Hand-Held Remote Control Unit (C)GHRCTBTurns Hand-HeldRemote On or Off andAllows You to Choosethe Manual SettingSelects Auto SettingIncreases RoomTemperature in AUTOModeLocks System toPrevent AccidentalIgnitionDigital DisplayShowsTemperature andSettingsTurns BurnersOn or OffDecreases RoomTemperature inAUTO Mode