www.desatech.com116240-01E 31vENTING SYSTEMConduct annual inspection of the venting systemfollowing these guidelines:1. Check areas of venting system that are exposedto the weather for corrosion (rust spots or streaksand, in extreme cases, holes). Have these itemsreplaced immediately by a qualified serviceperson.CLEANING ANDMAINTENANCEContinued2. Remove the vent cap and shine a flashlightinto the vent. Remove any foreign material.3. Check for evidence of excessive condensation.Continuous condensation can cause corrosionof caps, pipes and fittings and can be causedby having excessive lateral runs, too manyelbows or exterior portions of the system beingexposed to cold weather.4. Inspect joints to verify that no pipe section orfitting has been disturbed and loosened. Checkmechanical supports such as wall straps forrigidity.TROUbLEShOOTINGWARNING: Turn off heater and let cool before servicing. Only aqualified service person should service and repair heater.CAUTION: Never use a wire, needle or similar object to cleanpilot. This can damage pilot unit.Note: All troubleshooting items are listed in order of operation.POSSIBLE CAUSE1. No gas supply or shutoffvalve is OFF2. Air in gas line3. Construction debris cloggingpilot orifice4. Low gas pressure5. Kinked pilot line6. Control valve is not opening7. No power to unit or the igni-tion module or power trans-former is badREMEDY1. Check to see if you have gassupply and that equipmentshutoff valve is opened2. Repeat lighting procedureseveral times to purge all airout of lines. If after repeatedattempts appliance does notlight, call for qualified serviceand repair3. Remove debris and dirt, in-spect and clean any otherpossible obstructions4. Contact your gas supplier tocheck pressure5. Have a qualified technicianreplace pilot line6. Replace control valve (Refer toReplacement Parts, page 34)7. Check that main power ison and that all wire connec-tions are made correctly tothe ignition model (see WiringDiagram, page 27). Check for24 VAC at the secondary sideof the transformer. If 24 VACis present and the module doesnot operate, have the modulereplaced otherwise have thetransformer replacedOBSERVED PROBLEMIgnitor will not spark or pilotwill not light