Owner’s Manual – Prodigy 58H31093109Rev.ENote: Commissioning adjustmentscan be done only by a licensedtradesperson.Lighting the Water HeaterThe water heater must be filled withwater before lighting. Instructions forlighting procedure are on the inside ofthe access cover and shown below:1. Turn the knob fully clockwise to the“•” (off) position.2. Wait five (5) minutes so any build-upof unburnt gas can escape.3. Turn the knob to the (pilot)position.Thermostat andgas control knob Igniter4. Depress the knob fully (untildisappears below housing) and afterthirty (30) seconds, whilst keepingthe knob depressed, repeatedlypress the igniter button (for up to 40seconds) until the pilot flame ignites.Note: It is not possible to depressthe knob fully if the gas control hasactivated its safety shut-off feature.In this case, wait 60 seconds for thegas control to reset.5. Keep the knob depressed fortwenty (20) seconds after the pilotflame lights. The pilot flame canbe observed if a mirror is placeddirectly below the pilot assembly.6. Release the knob and check if thepilot is still alight.7. If pilot has failed to light or has notremained alight, turn gas controlknob to “•” (off). Wait five (5)minutes for the escape of unburntgas, then begin again at step 3.8. When the pilot flame remains alightwith the knob released, turn theknob anticlockwise to one of thenumber settings. A setting of “6” isrecommended and this will give awater temperature of about 60ºC.Commissioning Adjustments