Data Power Solutions Quick Start GuideCopyright © 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.10640205 February 2009 27Output Circuit Breaker Field Replacement and RepairUL Listed MarkThe APS3-058, APS3-059, APS3-060, APS3-061, APS6-058 and APS6-059 series of powersupplies have been approved by Underwriters Laboratories Inc and are permitted to carrythe UL Listed mark.Under rules and regulations set by UL, all manufactured units have been subjected to their“Follow Up Service” (FUS) procedure that ensures compliance with the relevant safetystandards, that the correct components have been fitted, and appropriate tests have beenperformed.To retain the UL mark, only Eaton service engineers, or those persons trained by Eaton, arepermitted to replace an output circuit breaker or repair a unit.Desktop variants APS3-060 & APS3-061In the field it is not possible for a service engineer to change output circuit breakers ondesktop variants APS3-060 or APS6-061.Battery Input Circuit BreakersIn the field it is not possible for a service engineer to change battery circuit breakers onvariants APS3-059, APS3-061 or APS6-059.Contact Information• For circuit breaker replacement, or repair, please contact your local Eaton dc Products salesoffice listed on page 4.- 4.联系信息• 关于断路器的更换或修理的信息,请联系第 4页列出的当地Eaton销售办事处。Contacts• Pour remplacer ou réparer un disjoncteur, contacter votre revendeur local Eaton indiqué enpage 4.Kontaktinformationen• Wenden Sie sich bezüglich Austausch oder Reparatur des Schutzschalters an Ihr nächstesEaton-Verkaufsbüro (siehe Seite 4).Informazioni di contatto• Per la sostituzione degli interruttori o la loro riparazione, contattare l'ufficio vendite Eatonpiù vicino in base all'elenco a pagina 4.Información de contacto• Para reemplazar o reparar los interruptores de circuito, sírvase contactar con la oficina deventas local de Eaton que aparece listada en la página 4.