23EATON 220 Piston Pump Service Manual E-SRSR-RR002-E August 2019Inspection, repair andpart replacementInspectionInspectionBefore inspection of parts, clean with a solvent that iscompatible with system fluid.Rotating group parts1. Inspect cylinder block face for wear, scratches, and/orerosion. If cylinder block condition is questionable, replacethe entire rotating group.2. Remove the pistons, shoe retainer, and pivot from pistonblock. The piston block assembly doesn’t need to bedisassembled unless the internal pins or springare damaged.3. Check each cylinder block bore for excessive wear. Use thepiston and shoe S/A for this purpose. The pistons shouldbe a very close fit and slide in and out of the cylinderblock bores. NO BINDING CAN BE TOLERATED. If bindingoccurs, clean the cylinder block and pistons. Lubricate thecylinder block bores with clean fluid and try again. Evenminor contamination of the fluid may cause a piston tofreeze up in a cylinder bore.4. Inspect each of the nine piston and shoe S/A for amaximum end play of 0.005 inch between the piston andshoe. Also check the face dimension of each shoe. Theface dimension must be within 0.001 inch.5. Inspect shoe retainer and pivot for wear and/or scratches.If condition is questionable, replace entire rotating group.This dimension must bemaintained on all nine shoeswithin 0.001 inch.Shoe face rides on swashplate. Shoe must swivelsmoothly on ball.End play must not exceed0.005 inch.Piston S/A tolerancesNote: Do not lap the face of piston block assembly.Movement up to 0.005”Shoe Piston± 0.001”Between PistonShoes (9)PistonblockShoeretainerPistonand showS/A (9)Pivot