24EATON 220 Piston Pump Service Manual E-SRSR-RR002-E August 2019Inspection, repair andpart replacement1. Inspect end cover forerosion, cracks, and burrs.Clean up minor burrs withan India stone. If erosion orcracks are found, replacethe end cover.2. Inspect roller bearing andbearing race for nicks andpitting. Make sure the rollerbearing turns freely withinthe bearing race. If the rollerbearing needs replacement,both the roller bearing andthe bearing race must bereplaced.3. Inspect valve plate forerosion, excessive wear,heavy scratches, andcracks. If any of the aboveconditions are found,replace the valve plate.4. Inspect control piston andmaximum displacementscrew for burrs, scratchesand cracks. Clean up minorscratches with 500 gritpaper. Remove burrs withan India stone. The controlpiston should move freely inthe bore.End cover & associated partsSwashplate partsShaft/housing parts1. Inspect drive shaft for wear,stripped splines, and burrs.Remove burrs with an Indiastone. Inspect the contactarea of bearing and shaftseal). Replace the drive shaftif wear or scoring is greaterthan 0.005 T.I.R. (totalindicator reading).2. Inspect drive shaft bearingfor roughness, pitting ofrollers, and excessive endplay. Replace, if defective.If the bearing needs to bereplaced, the bearing racealso requires replacement.3. Inspect housing mountingflange for nicks and burrs.Remove minor nicks andburrs with an India stone.Also check the housingfor damaged or strippedthreads. If any thread isdamaged, replace thehousing.4. Check remaining pumpparts for excessive wear,damaged threads, burrs,cracks and erosion.Replace any part that is inquestionable condition.1. Inspect swashplate face forwear, roughness or scoring.Check the swashplate hubsand bearing surfaces forwear and cracks. Replace ifdefective.2. Inspect saddle bearingsurfaces for wear, pitting,and smooth operation.Replace if necessary.