1. 220/230/240V AC2. 4 Outlets with battery backup4 Prises avec autonomie4 Tomas con autonomia4 Tomadas com autonomia4 Pозеток с батарейной поддержкой2שקעיםעם גיבוי סוללה3. Internet/modem line protection only for USBmodelsProtection ligne internet/modem uniquement surmodèles USBProtección de línea Internet/modem sólo en losmodelos USBProteção de linha de Internet/modem somentenos modelos USBЗащита интернет и модемной линий толькодля USB моделейהגנת קו אינטרנט/מודם בדגמים בעלי חיבורUSBבלבד1. 220/230/240V AC2. 3 outlets with battery backup(1 Schuko + 2 IEC)3 prises avec autonomie (1 Schuko+ 2 IEC)3 tomas con autonomia (1 Schuko+ 2 IEC)3 tomadas com autonomia (1 Schuko+ 2 IEC)3 розетки с резервным питанием отбатарей (1 Schuko + 2 IEC)5שקעיםעם גיבוי סוללה(1 Schuko + 2 IEC)3. Internet/modem line protection only for USBmodelsProtection ligne internet/modem uniquement surmodèles USBProtección de línea Internet/modem sólo en losmodelos USBProteção de linha de Internet/modem somentenos modelos USBЗащита интернет и модемной линий толькодля USB моделейהגנת קו אינטרנט/מודם בדגמים בעלי חיבורUSBבלבדTROUBLE SHOOTINGSymptom Possible Cause RemedyNo LED display on the front panel. 1. Battery weak. 1. Charge battery up to 8 hours.2. Battery defect. 2. Replace with the same type of battery.3. Power switch is not pressed. 3. Press the power switch again.Alarm buzzer beeps continuously when ACsupply is normal.Overload of the UPS. Verify that the load matches the UPS capability specified inthe spec.When power failure, back-up time isshorten.1. Overload of the UPS. 1. Remove some noncritical load.2. Battery voltage is too low. 2. Charge battery 8 hours or more.3. Battery defect or aging 3. Replace with the same type of battery.Mains normal but LED is flashing. Power cord is loose. Reconnect the power cord properly.1. 220/230/240V AC2. 6 Outlets with battery backup6 Prises avec autonomie6 Tomas con autonomia6 Tomadas com autonomia6 Pозеток с батарейнойподдержкой6שקעיםעם גיבוי סוללה3. Internet/modem line protectionProtection ligne internet/modemProtección de línea Internet/modemProteção de linha de Internet/modemЗащита интернет и модемной линийהגנת קו אינטרנט/מודם4. Fan5E500/650/8505E650DIN/850DIN5E1100/1500/2000