28 Seismic Data Requirements for Eaton UPS Equipment Installation User’s Guide 164000050—Rev 05CChhaapptteerr 55 EEaattoonn 9933PPMM ((448800VV)) aanndd 9933PPMM--LL ((220088VV)) FFoouunnddaattiioonn PPllaann aanndd MMoouunnttiinnggRReeqquuiirreemmeennttssProper mounting of the equipment is the single most important factor in withstanding a seismic event. Thefoundation must be level and continuous under the entire assembly. The foundation must be designed towithstand the reaction loads imposed on it by the equipment during a seismic event. At a minimum, thefoundation must be designed to accommodate the tensile strength of the hardware indicated in Table 10.The anchoring system should be put in place prior to equipment installation to reduce effort associated withanchoring. Welding to embedded steel members is acceptable provided the strength of the welds iscomparable to the mounting bolts.The user is responsible for compliance with all local seismic codes.NNOOTTEE Anchoring hardware is not provided with Eaton seismic mounting kits because the typeof hardware is dependant on the foundation construction and composition.Table 10. 93PM Unit and Fastener Requirements from Unit to FloorModelVoltage Type Bolt Type and Size Torque Quantity93PM480 VacUPS 50 kW, 100 kW, and 150 kW FramesClass 8.8, M12 orGrade 5, 1/2”87 Nm64 lb-ft.8UPS 50 kW, 100 kW, and 150 kW Frameswith Small Left or Right-Mounted Sidecar 12UPS 100 kW and 150 kW Frameswith Large Left or Right-Mounted Sidecar 12UPS 200 kW Frame 8UPS 200 kW Frame with Left or Right-MountedSidecar 12UPS 400 kW Frame 16IAC-B (400 kW) 8IAC-BD 8IAC-T 893PM-L208 VacUPS 60 kW and 120 kWClass 8.8, M12 orGrade 5, 1/2”87 Nm64 lb-ft.8UPS 60 kW withLeft or Right-Mounted Top Entry Sidecar 12UPS 60 kW withMBS Left or Right-Mounted Sidecar orUPS 120 kW withTop Entry/MBS Left or Right-Mounted Sidecar12UPS 160 kW 12UPS 200 kW 8IAC-B (160 and 200 kW) 8Eaton 93PM (480V) and 93PM-L (208V) Foundation Plan and Mounting Requirements