50 Seismic Data Requirements for Eaton UPS Equipment Installation User’s Guide 164000050—Rev 0555..55 EEaattoonn 9933PPMM--LL UUPPSS ((220088VV)) aanndd 9933PPMM UUPPSS ((448800VV)) SSeeiissmmiicc ((OOSSHHPPDD)) DDoooorr RReetteennttiioonn KKiitt IInnssttaallllIInnssttrruuccttiioonnssUse these instructions to install the seismic door retention kit brackets to secure the uninterruptible powersupply (UPS) door. One kit is required per UPS door.These instructions are applicable to all UPS frame sizes for the following models:• Eaton 93PM-L UPS (208V)• Eaton 93PM UPS (480V)NNOOTTEE 11 This kit is used to support seismic installations where applicable.NNOOTTEE 22 Refer to the installation and operation manual supplied with the UPS for dimensions andrequired clearances.Seismic Door Retention Kit Contents QuantityBracket, 93PM Cabinet, OSHPD 1Bracket, 93PM Door, OSHPD 1Flange Head Bolt, Black M5 X 12 2NOTE See Figure 44 for door retention kit details.!IMPORTANTFor seismic installations, the UPS cabinet floor mounting surface must be level.To install the brackets:1. Unload and mechanically install the UPS according to the instructions in the applicable installation andoperation manual.2. Open the UPS door. Locate the horizontal slot on the top rear of the door. See Figure 45 for the brackethorizontal slot location.3. Remove the two M4 screws directly beneath the opening. See Figure 45 for the screw location.4. Install the door bracket and secure with two M4 screws previously removed. Hand tighten the screws.5. Install the cabinet bracket using the two M5 thread forming screws included in the kit. Hand tighten thescrews. See Figure 46 for cabinet bracket mounting location and Figure 47 bracket installation details.6. Both brackets have slots for adjusting bracket position. Adjust brackets so the spring-loaded fastener onthe cabinet bracket aligns with the threaded insert of the door bracket.7. Once the brackets are properly aligned, secure the brackets by tightening the screws to the followingtorque specifications.Door bracket M4 screws 2.0–3.3 Nm, or 18–29 in-lbs.Cabinet bracket M5 screws 4.1–6.6 Nm, or 36–58 in-lbs.8. Close and secure the UPS door.Eaton 93PM (480V) and 93PM-L (208V) Foundation Plan and Mounting Requirements