14 EATON CORPORATION Eaton 9390 Uninterruptible Power SystemIntegratedAccessoryCabinets forcustomizableconfigurationsEaton offers several configura-tions of Integrated AccessoryCabinets (IAC) for use with the9390 UPS. Major functions ofthe IAC include: maintenancebypass, parallel tie capability andpower distribution with combi-nations up to (2) 42-pole panel-boards and (6) sub-feed breakersper IAC.The IAC is primarily available intwo forms – either a 200 mm(8”) sidecar bolted to the UPS(maintenance bypass or tie) ora 570 mm (22.5”) free-standingcabinet (maintenance bypass, tieor distribution). The size of theIAC is primarily dependant onfunction and rating.IAC-SB and IAC-BMaintenance bypassMaintenance bypass configura-tion (MBP) and maintenanceisolation (MIS) breakers enablepower to completely bypass theUPS power module. The modulecan then be serviced safely orreplaced without interruptingpower to critical systems. Anoptional bypass breaker (BIB)and rectifier input breaker (RIB)provide a single wiring pointinput to the UPS as well as aconvenient method for removingpower from the UPS when usingmaintenance bypass to supplythe load.Features• Line and match design• Two, three or four-breakermaintenance bypass• No internal transformers• Smallest cabinet ships boltedto UPS (IAC-SB)• Large cabinet can be remote-ly located (IAC-B)IAC-ST and IAC-TTie Cabinet• Parallel UPS tie cabinet(redundant). See one-linediagram on next page.• Two-breaker tie with mainte-nance bypass (IAC-T only)• Two-breaker tie-withmain output• Two-breaker tie• Wall-mounted maintenancebypass, tie and distributionpanels are also availableIAC-B Maintenancebypass (160 kVA)Rectifier input(not shown)Bypass inputBypass breakerUPS output(isolation)System loadbreaker (SLB)UPS #2 output(MOB 2)UPS #1 output(MOB 1)IAC-T Parallel Tie Cabinet8” 22.5”160 kVA 208VIAC-B80 kVA 208 &480V160 kVA 480VIAC-SCIAC-D DistributionCabinet• Used to add (2) additional42-pole panelboardsOr• (1) 42-pole panelboards andup to (3) 250A distributionbreakersOr• Up to (6) 250A distributionbreakers• Line and match or remote• Casters and leveling feet• Panelboards come with indi-vidual 225A main breaker• Neutral rated for harmonicloads (200%)• Distribution breakers areEaton JG electronic trip- Two electronic sensorsavailable 100A and 250A- 100A settings 40-100A trip(eight settings)- 250A setting 100-250A trip(eight settings)