16 EATON CORPORATION Eaton 9390 Uninterruptible Power SystemPowerDistributionUnit (PDU)The Eaton PDU provides reliabledata center power distributionfor both raised and non-raisedfloor applications. To ensure thehigh performance required fortoday’s data centers, this Eaton-designed and manufacturedPDU provides the following inan integrated, factory-testedpackage:• State-of-the-art metering• Isolation• Voltage transformation• Electrical distribution• Equipment protection• Computer-grade groundingAdditionally, when compared tohard-wiring methods, the PDUgreatly shortens installation timeand allows for easy relocationof equipment during consolida-tion, upgrade, or relocation ofthe data center. The PDU offersa broad range of options thatpresent customized power dis-tribution solutions for each cus-tomer’s data center.Its state-of-the-art metering sys-tem provides monitoring, alarm-ing, and remote communicationsprovisions to enable proactivepower distribution manage-ment in the data center. Eaton’sworld-class service organizationsupports the PDU throughoutthe entire life cycle of your datacenter, increasing reliability andproviding you with peace ofmind.A 24-month history log provides a powerful aid in capacityplanning and diagnosis.300 kVA PDU with optional sidecar and EnergyManagement System (EMS)Monitoring andconnectivityEaton PDUs are equippedwith the Energy ManagementSystem (EMS). The EMS pro-vides state-of-the-art monitoringand alarming provisions thatallow you to monitor power con-sumption and quality, manageand plan power needs, and reactquickly to any potential problemsdown to the branch circuit level.Comprehensive connectivityoptions enable secure, remotepower management, real-timesystem status information andnetwork connectivity with theoptional Power Xpert Gatewayinterface card. The latest tech-nology is employed by the moni-toring system, which includes an8” x 40” LCD for clarity, a soft-key driven menu for ease ofuse, and audio/visual indicatorsthat provide alarming and statusupdates.Power consumption trends forup to 24 months can be viewedthrough a history log—a power-ful aid in capacity planning anddiagnosis as events are time-and date stamped as they occur.Custom alarm settings may beprogrammed at the factory, bythe user or by our serviceorganization.In addition, Eaton’s optionalbranch circuit monitor within theEMS continuously measures thecurrent on branch circuits andwarns of impending trouble, soyou can take proactive action.The branch circuit monitoringsystem assesses circuit activity7x24 and provides time-stampedmetering, alarm and statisti-cal information for each branchcircuit. You receive significantinformation that is needed toeffectively manage your entirepower distribution system.Armed with these insights, datacenter and facilities managerscan more effectively manageenergy consumption to preventoverload conditions, optimizepower distribution, and whenapplicable, accurately bill internalcustomers for power usage.