Eaton 93PM UPS (400kW Frame) Seismic Mounting Bracket Install Instructions P-164000774—Rev 01 1SSeeiissmmiicc BBrraacckkeett IInnssttaallll IInnssttrruuccttiioonnssEEaattoonn 9933PPMM UUPPSS ((440000kkWW FFrraammee)) SSeeiissmmiicc MMoouunnttiinngg BBrraacckkeett IInnssttaallllaattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnssUse these instructions to install front and rear seismic mounting brackets to secure the Uninterruptible PowerSupply (UPS) to the facility floor.NOTE Refer to the applicable installation and operation manual supplied with UPS fordimensions and required clearances.Seismic Mounting Bracket Kit ContentsFront Mounting Bracket 2Rear Mounting Bracket 2Hex Bolts 16To install the brackets:1. Unload and mechanically install the UPS according to the instructions in the applicable installation andoperation manual.2. Drill holes in the floor for the mounting brackets. Size the holes for the type of customer-supplied hardwarebeing used to secure the brackets to the floor. See Figure 1 for the bracket mounting hole locations.3. Remove the front seismic mounting brackets from the kit and secure to the UPS cabinet base using thebolts supplied with the kit. See Figure 2 for mounting bracket installation location.4. Remove the rear seismic mounting brackets from the kit and secure to the UPS cabinet base using thebolts supplied with the kit. See Figure 3 for mounting bracket installation location.5. Secure the cabinet to the floor with customer-supplied hardware.FFoorr MMoorree IInnffoorrmmaattiioonnRefer to the Eaton 93PM UPS (400 kW Frame) Installation and Operation Manual for the following additionalinformation:• Installation instructions, including site preparation, planning for installation, wiring and safety information,and detailed illustrations of cabinets with dimensional and connection point drawingsVisit or contact an Eaton service representative for information on how to obtaincopies of these manuals.