ADS8 DIRECT-ON-LINE STARTER METAL-CLADInstruction leaflet LT1104 (03/06)D.O.L. STARTER ENCLOSURE (IP54 to BSEN60529:1992).5 X 20mm (3/4”) conduit knockouts are provided for cable entry at top, bottom and side of the enclosure and1X20mm (3/4”) conduit knockout is provided for cable entry in the rear of the enclosure for ADS1X types.7 x 20/25mm (3/4”/1”) conduit knockouts are provided for cable entry at top, bottom and side of the enclosurefor ADS2X and ADS3X types.The earth terminal may be reversed for external connection but the components must be assembled in thesame order as supplied.MAINTENANCECheck that the contactor is freefrom dust or foreign bodies beforeputting into operation.Never lubricate or grease contacts,sliding guides or magnet assembly.MCH306MCH306MCH306MCH310MCH310MCH316MCH320MCH320MCH332SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION4A6A10A16A16A20A25A32A40ABS88:1 aM Mcb Type CSCPDBack UpProtectionMax Memshield 2Back UpProtectionMax HRC Fuse1.85 1.20.63 - 1.001.00 - 1.601.60 - 2.52.5 - 4.04.0 - 6.05.5 - 8.07.0 - 10.010.0 - 13.013.0 - 18.0MOTORFLC Ie(AMPS)IMPORTANT-Install the contactorassembly on a vertical surface.The mounting surface should beflat and free from mechanicalshock and vibration.OVERLOAD RELAYAll relays have an adjustment scale marked in full load motor current, the range of which is indicated by therating label on the front of the relay. Set the lever to the actual running current of the motor, if known.Failing this, adequate protection is obtained by setting to the motor rated full load current.RelayTighteningTorque(Nm)ContactorTighteningTorque(Nm)1.7 1.2Power Aux Power AuxIMPORTANT NOTES1. This product should be installed, commissioned and maintained by or under the supervision of a competent electricianin accordance with current electrical engineering Codes of Practice, Regulations for the Electrical equipment ofBuildings (BS7671), HSG224 - Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994, HSG150 - Health andSafety in Construction, Statutory requirements and any Specific instruction issued by the Company.2. After completing the installation and testing of this product it is essential that this leaflet is drawn to the attention ofthe person responsible for its future operation and maintenance, and is at all times available for ready reference.3. These notes assume throughout that the product is disconnected from the supply. It is essential that this is donebefore any work is carried out.SPARE OVERLOADS AND COILSOVERLOADLIST No.8TT878TT888TT898TT908TT918TT988TT928TT938TT94220...240V 50HzSTARTER REF.128ADS228ADS328ADS428ADS628ADS1028ADS1328ADS1828ADSSTARTERLESS O/LRELAY28ADS1X220V COILSPARE COIL220...240V8COIL218STARTER REF.380...415V 50Hz148ADS248ADS348ADS448ADS648ADS1048ADS1348ADS1848ADSSTARTERLESS O/LRELAY415V COILREF.48ADS1XREF.SPARE COIL380...415V8COIL418SPARE COIL110V8COIL118COIL COILREPLACEMENT0.63 - 1.001.00 - 1.601.60 - 2.52.5 - 4.04.0 - 6.05.5 - 8.07.0 - 10.010.0 - 13.013.0 - 18.0MOTORFLC Ie(AMPS)28ADS2X 8COIL232 48ADS2X 8COIL432 8COIL1322548ADS2528ADS3228ADS8TT10418.0 - 25.028ADS3X 48ADS3X23.0 - 32.0 8TT96 3248ADS2.51.85 1.851.22.523.0 - 32.0 63A MCH36318.0 - 25.0 50A MCH340