IB01602018E For more information visit: www.eaton.comInstructional BookletEffective: March 2010 Page 25O & M Manual for theATC-100 Breaker Based Transfer SwitchSection 6: Testing and Problem Solving6.1 TestingAfter the ATS equipment is initially installed or during plannedoutages, the installation should be tested to ensure that all equip-ment operates properly. This attention to detail will help avoidunexpected malfunctions. Mechanical and/or electrical testsshould be performed as described in this section.The frequency of subsequent testing should be based on recom-mendations of the Genset manufacturer. Use the system testpushbutton to check the electrical operation of the switch.6.1.1 Mechanical and/or Electrical TestingEnergize the ATS equipment as described in Sections 6.1.2through 6.1.6. Insure that all safety precautions are taken andthat all WARNINGS and CAUTIONS are observed.6.1.2 No Voltage StepsWith no voltage available on either power source, proceed as fol-lows.Step 1: Check to make sure that both the Utility and Generatorpower switching devices are in the OPEN position. Theswitching devices can be put into the OPEN positionusing of the manual operating handle, stopping in theNEUTRAL position.Step 2: The generator engine start controls should be in the OFFposition to prevent an undesired start.Step 3: Ensure that the ATS has been set to the proper appliedsystem voltage (See Section 4.8).Step 4: Check all ATS loads to ensure that they are ready to beenergized.6.1.3 Connecting the Power SourcesStep 1: Close the Utility power source upstream protectiondevice. The Utility power switching device should close.Step 2: Connect the engine start battery cable.Step 3: With the emergency generator in the OFF position, closethe Generator power source upstream protective device,assuming such a device used.AT THIS POINT, AND PRIOR TO MAKING ANY ATTEMPT TO ENER-GIZE THE ATS EQUIPMENT, THE ENGINE-DRIVEN GENERATORSHOULD BE OPERATED. IF NECESSARY, THE VOLTAGE REGULATORON THE GENERATOR SHOULD BE ADJUSTED ACCORDING TO THEMANUFACTURER’S RECOMMENDATIONS. THE ATS EQUIPMENTWILL RESPOND ONLY TO THE RATED VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCYPROGRAMMED INTO THE CONTROLLER.Step 4: Close any generator engine-start controls opened as aresult of actions taken in Step 1, Section 6.1.2.Step 5: Where required, use an accurate voltmeter to checkphase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral voltages present atthe transfer switch Utility, Generator, and/or load termi-nals.6.1.4 Operational ChecksStep 1: Check to ensure that the Utility switching device is in theCLOSED position. This should have been done in Section6.1.3, Step 1.Step 2: Initiate an automatic transfer operation from the Utility tothe Generator power source by pressing the Test> pushbuttons (Engine start and set generator test)two times.a. After the Time Delay Engine Starting (TDES) has timed out,the engine should start, run, and build up to normal voltageand frequency.b. The transfer switch will transfer to the Generator powersource (the Utility switching device opens and Generatorswitching device closes) after the Time Delay Normal toEmergency (TDNE) times out.Step 3: Initiate an automatic transfer operation back to the Utilitypower source by pressing the pushbut-tons (Engine start and set generator test) one time.1. After the Time Delay Emergency to Normal timer (TDEN)has timed out, the transfer switch will transfer back tothe Utility power source (the Generator switching deviceopens and the Utility switching device closes).2. The Time Delay for Engine Cool-Off (TDEC) will allowthe engine to run unloaded for a preset time after trans-fer to the Utility power source is completed.6.1.5 Alternate Tests1. Alternate operational tests may be possible depending uponthe options provided with any given ATS. Refer to the sche-matic diagram provided with the ATS equipment, along withthe specification nameplate, to determine the exact optionsprovided.2. If you attempt to manually operate the ATS with the Utilitypower source connected and available, the ATC-100 logicwill cycle the ATS back to the Utility power source since it isthe preferred source. The ATS was designed with this safetyfeature in case a manual transfer is attempted while theswitch is in automatic mode and under load.WARNINGHIGH VOLTAGES ASSOCIATED WITH OPERATIONAL TRANSFERSWITCH EQUIPMENT PRESENT A SHOCK HAZARD THAT CANCAUSE SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. USE EXTREMECAUTION TO AVOID TOUCHING ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSWHENEVER INSPECTING OR TESTING THE EQUIPMENT.IN ADDITION, IMPROPER OPERATION OF THE GENERATOR SET PRE-SENTS A HAZARD THAT CAN CAUSE SEVERE PERSONAL INJURYOR DEATH. OBSERVE ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS IN YOUR GENER-ATOR SET OPERATIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUALS.NOTICESINCE FEATURE 4 (TIME DELAY ENGINE COOL-OFF), AS DESCRIBEDIN SECTION 3, IS A STANDARD FEATURE, AN ENGINE START SIG-NAL WILL BE PRESENT FOR A PERIOD OF TIME WHEN THE SWITCHIS FIRST ENERGIZED. THE PERIOD OF TIME IS EQUAL TO THETIMER SETTING. TO AVOID STARTING THE ENGINE DURING THISTIME PERIOD, TURN THE GENERATOR CONTROLS TO THE OFFPOSITION.NOTICE