Eaton ATC-900 Operation And Maintenance Manual
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Instructional BookletPage 16 Effective: March 2021 Operation and Maintenance Manual,Automatic Transfer Switch Controller, ATC-900For more information visit: IB140012ENTransfer Operation Connections Output Relays K1, K2, K3, K4K1, K2, K3, and K4 on J6 pins 5 through 12 are factory wired tooperate the transfer switch. The relay contacts for each are ratedfor 10 A, 1/3 HP @ 250 Vac. The DC rating is 10 A @24 Vdc.The K relay outputs are used to control the transfer device. Cer-tain configurations of power use only the Open K relays. The Krelays default configuration is:K1 = S2 Open (Trip)K2 = S1 Open (Trip)K3 = S1 CloseK4 = S2 CloseThe user should refer to the switch drawings for usage. The relaysmomentarily energize until the ATC-900 senses that the switchingdevice has closed or opened (Using AUX-illary contacts) and thende-energizes the K relay to the normally open state.4.2.2 Popular Inputs and Outputs (Programmable I/O)The following are some popular I/Os that can be programmed. Seethe I/O Table 8 in Section 5.5 and Appendix B for all of the I/ODescriptions. A fixed input or output is one that is not user pro-grammable as it is fixed from the factory. It is tied to a switch orfunction of a switch that requires that input or output. If morethan one Programmable Input is set to the same input type, theirbehavior is dependent on what type of input they are set to.Some inputs are Normally Closed, like Lockout and Monitor Mode– NC, while the rest are Normally Open. For example, if multipleinputs are programmed for Lockout, opening any Lockout inputwill cause a Lockout condition, while all Lockout inputs must beclosed to remove the Lockout condition. On the other hand, ifmultiple inputs are programmed for Go To Emergency, closing anyGo to Emergency input will initiate a transfer to the EmergencySource, while all Go to Emergency inputs must be open to returnto the Normal Source.Similarly, two or more Programmable Outputs may be set to thesame output type. This allows multiple output contacts to operatebased on the same function.Lockout (Input)The Lockout contact is closed to enable normal, automatic opera-tion. Opening this contact will Inhibit all automatic operation.This feature is used when non-automatic control is required. TheATC-900 continues to monitor source status and will accuratelydisplay status on the controller's mimic bus. After the controllerhas been locked, the user must reset the controller by simultane-ously pressing the Help and Enter buttons.Go To Emergency (Input)When the Go to Emergency contact is closed, a transfer to theEmergency Source will be initiated. If the Emergency Source failsand the Normal Source is available, the ATC-900 will initiate atransfer back to the Normal Source (failsafe).The Go To Emergency input is only usable when either Source 1or Source 2 is preferred. This input will be disabled when the Pre-ferred Source selection is set to None.The Emergency Inhibit input takes priority over the Go To Emer-gency input if both are activated at the same time. In this case,the generator will start but a transfer to the Emergency Sourcewill be inhibited until the Emergency Inhibit input is de-activated.Bypass Timers (Input)This momentary contact will bypass the timer for TDEN, TDNE,TDN, TDES, and TDEC. By pushing the Help and Enter buttons onthe front of the controller (Bypass Timer) at the same time thecountdown will be set to 0 for the current countdown. The nexttimer will then start. There is also a programmable input that willallow the bypass timer to be completed remotely if desired.Go To Neutral (Input)A maintained closed contact forces the controller to switch to theNeutral position, thereby disconnecting the load from bothsources.Manual Re-Transfer (Input)With manual retransfer enabled, a momentary closure allows theATC-900 to proceed with a re-transfer operation at the operatorsdiscretion. Should a failure of the emergency source occur whilewaiting for the manual return, the re-transfer proceeds automati-cally (failsafe).Emergency Inhibit (Load Shed) (Input)This input is enabled when the Emergency Inhibit (36) is enabled.The contact is closed for normal operation. Opening this contactwill activate the Emergency Inhibit input.If the Emergency Inhibit contact is opened when the load is con-nected to the Normal Source, no action will be taken if the NormalSource is available. If the Normal Source is not available, an imme-diate transfer to the Neutral position will occur.If the Emergency Inhibit contact is opened when the load is con-nected to the Emergency Source, the ATC-900 will transfer theload to the Normal Source if it is available. If the Normal Source isnot available, an immediate transfer to the Neutral position willoccur if the Emergency Source is available.The Emergency Inhibit input is only active when either Source 1 orSource 2 is preferred. This input is ignored if the Preferred Sourceselection is set to None.The Emergency Inhibit input takes priority over the Go To Emer-gency input if both inputs are activated at the same time. In thiscase, the generator will start but a transfer to the EmergencySource will be inhibited until the Emergency Inhibit input is de-acti-vated. If the preferred source is lost during this time, the switchwill transfer to the Neutral position.Three Source ATS Control (Primary (output)/Secondary (Input))The ATC-900 Primary/Secondary (old Master/Slave) controller func-tionality provides the user with the ability to control a three-sourcesystem consisting of a utility and two generator sources. In a three-source system, the Primary ATS controls the engine starting andstopping of the Secondary ATS. See Feature list, 90A and 90B for afull functionality write-up on page 37.Note: The Secondary ATS requires the DCT module for a DCpower input to keep the controller powered or a UPS if desired.The Primary ATS handles all transfer time delays between the Util-ity to Generator transfer. The primary is the Generator Start fromthe first ATS.Bypass Safety Interlock Transfer Inhibited (Input Option 81P)Whenever the contactor bypass has a safety interlock conditionsuch as: a Door Open, a Contactor(s) not locked in, not in auto-matic, in Monitor Mode, etc, the automatic transfer functionalitywill be inhibited. This input will trigger a warning status that canbe monitored via communications (Serial or Ethernet) and a flash-ing banner on the controller's display.There is also a form C contact block that the user can also use,see the switch's instruction booklet. |
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