Instructional BookletPage 20 Effective: March 2021 Operation and Maintenance Manual,Automatic Transfer Switch Controller, ATC-900For more information visit: IB140012EN5.3 User ProgrammingOne may view setpoints or change setpoints through the menuwith the display. Remembering that the display is not a touch-screen, the arrow push buttons are used to maneuver the screen.Once a new setpoint selection has been made, move to the nextfeature in need of a change. Once all setpoints on that particularscreen have been made, one must remember to select Save on thebottom right row of the menu items and the new setpoints will bestored. The full list of menus can be seen in section Programmable Features/SetpointsAll ATC-900 programmable features and associated setpoint pos-sibilities with any required explanations are presented in Table 7.As mentioned earlier, when "Change Setpoints" is selected, thedisplay will show the following icons:• System Setups: default screen, 4 total;• Time Delays• Dropouts / Pickups• Engine Test / PE• Programmable I/OThe System Setpoints screen contains normal voltage/frequency,preferred source, CT Ratio, communications, closed or open, andseveral more. After the initial setting of these system setpoints,they usually will not be changed.The following example explains how to change a time delay.Figure 10. Setting Time Delay.Once the "Change Setpoints" is pressed, and the password isentered, four areas of setpoints show up on the bottom of thescreen. Using the arrow keys, navigate to the "Time Delay" Iconand hit “Enter”. Use the up/down arrow buttons to select adesired setpoint and press the Enter key.(see Figure 10). Theselected setpoint should change from blue to red indicating that itis ready to edit. With the up/down arrow buttons, change thevalue and press Enter again after the desired value is reached.When all changes are completed on that page, use the arrows toselect "Save" and then press "Enter" as shown on Figure 11.NOTICECHANGING THE SYSTEM NOMINAL VOLTAGE OR FREQUENCY SET-POINTS WILL AUTOMATICALLY CHANGE ALL THE PICKUP ANDDROPOUT SETTINGS TO NEW DEFAULT VALUES.NOTICEIF NO PUSHBUTTON ACTIVITY IS DETECTED FOR APPROXIMATELY2 MINUTES WHILE IN THE PROGRAM MODE, THE DISPLAY WILLREVERT BACK TO THE MAIN MENU. ANY UNSAVED CHANGES WILLBE LOST.