For multi-disc units, repeat steps and4.1.3.8 for each additional friction disc andreaction plate * * . Slide the pressure plate and the cylinder/pistonassembly onto the studs. Lubricate the threadson the end of the studs w ith 30 w t. oil or anti-seizing compound and install the w ashers(17),w ear spacers (29) and the locknuts (18)removed in The w ear spacers are " stored" under thelocknuts and w ashers for use after replacingthe friction discs. See Figure Discard un-used w ear rings. New w ear ringsare included in friction disc replacement kits.4.1.4 While supporting the w eight of thecylinder/piston assembly, tighten the locknuts,ONE TURN AT A TIME and in an alternating(crossw ise) pattern until the cylinder is seatedfirmly against the clamp tubes. Torque thelocknuts to the appropriate value. See Table 4.The locknuts (18) must be tightenedgradually to prevent damage to thetensioner components.4.1.5 Check that clearance exists betw een frictiondiscs and w ear plates.4.1.6 Reinstall air and coolant lines per Wear Adjustments (WCB’swithout stop tubes)4.2.1 Measuring Lining WearPeriodically examine the tensioner forwear of linings and wear plates. Failureto perform this examination will result inexcessive wear, a significant reduction intorque, and may result in personal injuryand/or damage to the machinery.4.2.1 Wear limits for the WCB componentsare show n in Section 7.0. If any w earlimit has been reached or exceeded, thatcomponent must be repaired or replaced.Note: Item numbers (#) are show n onFigure Single Disc UnitsApply approximately 25 PSIG (1.7 bar) airpressure to the cylinder to engage thetensioner. Measure the gap " X" betw een thecylinder (19) and the pressure plate (13) or thegap " Y" betw een the pressure plate (13) andthe mounting flange (2) as show n in Figure13. If the gap exceeds the limits show n in Ta-ble 9, the friction discs and/or w ear platesmust be inspected to ensure that the w earlimits listed in section 9.0, Table 10 have notbeen exceeded.4.2.3 Multi-disc UnitsApply approximately 25 PSIG (1.7 bar) airpressure to the cylinder to engage thetensioner. Measure the gap " X" betw een thecylinder (19) and the pressure plate (13) or thegap " Y" or " Z" betw een the pressure plate(13) and the reaction plates (31) and the gap"Y" betw een the reaction plate (31) and themounting flange (2) as show n in Figure 14, 15and 16. If the gap exceeds the limits show n inTable 10, the friction discs and/or w ear platesmust be inspected to ensure that the w earlimits listed in section 7.0.If wear adjustment is not made, thepiston may pop out of the cylinder result-ing in loss of torque and/or seal damage.4.2.4 Wear AdjustmentPremature wear adjustment may resultin improper disc clearances.If a wear adjustment is not made, thepiston may be allowed to travel past theend of the cylinder resulting in a suddenloss of air pressure and a complete lossin torque.4.2.5 Disconnect air and w ater supply linesfrom the tensioner.PDF FORMAT 18 ©Copyright Eaton Corp., 1995. All rights reserved.