EATON WSB11206 WCSB Tensioner / Brake with ORB Coolant Ports Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual E-CLCL-II009-E August 201512WCSB tensioner / brake with ORB coolant ports2.4.13 Open Loop SystemsFor efficient operation of the WCSB tensioner / brakeassembly, an adequate supply of filtered fresh wateris required. (See section 2.4.1 - 2.4.2). Excessivewater hardness promotes the formation of scaledeposits, which, in time, will affect the service life ofthe WCSB tensioner / brake assembly. Water of highacidity or high in corrosive salts may cause electrolyticcorrosion between the dissimilar metals used in thewater cavities. Water treatment should be consideredif the properties of the water exceed the following:Equivalent calcium carbonate content hardness):Maximum 100 p.p.m. pH value: 7.0 to 9.0.CautionOpen loop systems should be thoroughly flushedwith clean fresh water after operation to reducethe corrosive effects of contaminants oninternal components.2.4.14 Closed Loop SystemsFor efficient operation of the WCSB tensioner / brakeassembly in a closed loop system, ethylene glycolcoolant conforming to SAE Standard J1034 shouldbe used. For preparation of the proper concentrationof a water / ethylene glycol mixture, use make-upwater which is low in corrosive ions such as chloridesand sulfates. Recommended pH value of the water /ethylene glycol glycol mixture: 7.5. to 10.5.Outletmanifold OutletmanifoldOutletmanifoldOutletmanifoldSingleDualTripleQuad16% 34% 34% 16%12.5% 25% 25% 25% 12.5%50% 50%25% 50% 25%)( )( )( )()( )( )( )( )( )( )( )()( )(VV VVPressurerelief valveHeatexchangerInletmainfoldOutletmainfoldTemperaturesensing bulbModulatingvalveOutRaw waterInStrainerPressure switchCentrifugalpumpStrainerLevel switchReservoirWCMotorTemperatureswitchFigure 5