11EATON Char-Lynn Power Steering Control Unit Series 5 Parts and Repair C-STCU-TS002-E1 November 2006Standard TorqueCentering Springsand SpacersSleevePinSpoolSpringRetainingRingLow TorqueCentering Springsand SpacersReassemblyCheck all mating surfaces.Replace any parts with scratch-es or burrs that could causeleakage. Wash all metal parts inclean solvent. Blow them drywith pressurized air. Do notwipe parts dry with paper tow-els or cloth as lint in a hydraulicsystem will cause damage.Note: Always use new sealswhen reassembling hydraulicsteering control units. Referto seal kit part numbers onpage 6.Important: During reassemblylubricate the new seals with apetroleum jelly such asVaseline ®. Also lubricatemachined surfaces and bearingswith clean hydraulic fluid.10. Install the quad seal:(see page 12 for 2-pieceseal installations):• Put one of the bearingraces and sleeve intothe housing.• Together, the housing andbearing race create a grooveinto which the quad seal willbe installed.• Hold the bearing race tightlyagainst the input end of thehousing by pushing on thegerotor end of the sleeve.• Fit the quad seal into its seatthrough the input end of thehousing. Be sure the seal isnot twisted.• Remove the sleeve andbearing race.sembly11. Lubricate and install the dustseal (see Figure 4 for correctseal orientation).12. Install the centering springsin the spool. It is best toinstall the two flat piecesfirst. Next, install the curvedpieces, three at a time.13. Fit the retaining ring overthe centering springs.14. Apply a light coating ofclean hydraulic fluid to thespool and slide it into thesleeve. Be sure the center-ing springs fit into thenotches in the sleeve.15. Install the pin(see Figure 3).16. Apply a light coating ofpetroleum jelly to theinner edge of the dustand quad seals.17. Put the thrust bearing andraces into the housing.The thrust bearing goesbetween the two races(see Figure 2).18. Apply a light coating ofclean hydraulic fluid tothe spool and sleeve assem-bly and slide itinto the housing.Important: Do not damagethe dust or quad seals.19. Clamp the housing in a viseas shown in Figure 5. Usejust enough clamping forceto hold the housing securely.20. Install manual steering checkball and pin into housing, ifno relief valve is present.21. Lubricate and install a newo-ring seal in the groove inthe housing.22. Install the wear plate andalign the timing grooveon plate with the timinggroove on the housing.Note: The holes inthe wear plate arenot symmetrical.23. Install the drive, be sure theslot in the drive engagesthe pin.24. Lubricate and install a newo-ring seal in the groove inthe wear plate.25. Install the gerotor and alignthe timing groove with thetiming groove in the wearplate.26. Lubricate and install a newo-ring seal in the groove inthe gerotor ring.27. Lubricate and install a newo-ring and seal ring in thegroove in the gerotor star.28. Install the spacer.29. Install end cap and four capscrews. Align timing grooveon endcap with timinggroove on gerotor. Tightencap screws, in a crisscrosspattern, to 25 -31 Nm[225-275 lb-in].30. Install the relief valve/checkif present. Use a new o-ringand tighten the plug to 17Nm [150 lb-in].31. Remove the SCU fromthe vise.32. Check SCU and confirm alltiming grooves are in line.Note: If timing grooves arenot aligned properly, SCUwill not function.Round Housingwith End Ports -ReassemblyFigure 3Quad SealDust Seal Thrust Bearingand Race (2)Figure 4Figure 5