I.L. 16913AFILE 29-900Instructions for Combination Bypass Isolation and Transfer Switches100 - 1000 AmpsEffective July 2007 Supercedes I.L. 16913 dated February 1991APPLICATIONThe Cutler-Hammer combination Bypass Isolation andTransfer Switches are listed under Underwriters’Laboratories UL 1008 and CSA C22.2 No. 178 Standardfor Safety for Automatic Transfer Switches. The powercontact assemblies utilized in the ATSBI switches arealso covered under UL489 and CSA C22.2 No. 5 Standardfor Safety for Circuit breakers.SAFETY PRACTICESTHE CUTLER-HAMMER COMBINATION BYPASSISOLATION AND TRANSFER SWITCH HAS BEENDESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED WITH BUILT-ININTERLOCKS AND SAFETY FEATURES INTENDED TOPROVIDE SAFE AND PROPER OPERATING SEQUENCES.TO PROTECT PERSONNEL ASSOCIATED WITH THEINSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OFTHIS EQUIPMENT THE FOLLOWING PRACTICES MUSTBE FOLLOWED:• Only qualified persons, as defined in the nationalElectrical Code, who are familiar with the installa-tion and maintenance of low voltage circuits andequipment should perform any work associatedwith this equipment.• COMPLETELY READ AND UNDERSTAND THESEINSTRUCTIONS before attempting any installation,operation, maintenance, or modification of thisequipment.• ALWAYS TURN OFF AND LOCK OUT THE POWERSOURCE(S) FEEDING THIS EQUIPMENT PRIOR TOPERFORMING ANY INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE,OR MODIFICATION OF THIS EQUIPMENT. Failureto do so could result in electrical shock leading todeath, personal injury, or property damage.WARNING