IQ DP-4000SECTION 5 - PROGRA M MING THE IQ DP-40005.15.3.3 Load Shed Settings, Parameter SelectionThe load shed feature activates the pulse initiator relaywhen a user-selected parameter exceeds apreprogrammed range (see Section 5. 1 5.3.2). Selectone of the following parameters to monitor:• Watts - Metered or Demand• VA - Metered or Demand• Metered Currents - lA, Is, lc, or average• Demand Currents- lA, Is, lc, or averageSee Table 5.Z for selecting the parameter to monitorwith the load shed feature.•= OFF D = ONTable 5.Z Load Shed Parameter Selection Settings5. 15.3.4 Pulse Initiator Settings, Rate SelectionFor this function, select the rate at which the relaychanges state as a value of energy to track with thepulse initiator. For example, if you choose Watt-hoursas the parameter to track with the pulse initiator, the IQDP-4000 will change the state of the relay at everyspecified interval of Watt-hours. If 50 Watt-hours perPulse is selected, the relay changes state every time 50Watt-hours accumulate.The energy per pulse corresponds to the energy (inunits), at the secondary winding of the PTs and CTs.Therefore, you must consider the user-selected CT andPT ratios when selecting the Energy per Pulse value.See Table 5.AA for selecting the rate at which the pulseinitiator relay changes state.Example: A system has the following configuration:CT = 1 400:5 PT = 240: 1 2038TD1 7548AThe IQ DP-4000 is monitoring a constant power of1 6,800 Watts.Watt-hours is selected as the parameter for the pulseinitiator setting.The CT ratio is 1 400 I 5 = 280The PT ratio is 240 I 1 20 = 2The power at the secondary of the CTs and PTs is:1 6,800 Watts I 280 x 2 =1 6,800 Watts I 560 =30 Watts (or 30 Watt-hours in 1 hour)• If the energy per pulse is set to 1 , each pulse willequal 560 Watt-hours.1 400 x 240 x 1 = 560 W att-hours per pulse.5 1 20• If the energy per pulse is set to 7, each pulse willequal 3,920 Watt-hours.1 400 x 240 x 7 = 3920 Watt-hours per pulse.5 1 20•= OFF D = ONTable 5.AA Pulse Initiator Rate Selection Settingswww . ElectricalPartManuals . com